Clown Me In


Clown Me In is a clown initiative founded by Sabine Choucair from Lebanon and Gabriela Munoz from Mexico, two actors trained in physical theater in London. Sabine is also certified in Social Therapy from the East Side Institute in New York.
Through interactive workshops and performances, the company uses clowning to spread laughter and provide relief to disadvantaged communities while exploring human vulnerabilities and providing individuals a way to accept them. Clown Me In has has worked in communities around the world, including in Mexico, Lebanon, India, Brazil, Morocco, Jordan, Syria, Greece and the United Kingdom and with Palestinian refugees
In Lebanon, Clown Me In gathered and formed awesome clowns- They mostly go on the streets to do their fun Street Attacks focusing on social justice- They experiment with new ways to address different issues in diverse public spaces

NO Comment 24th January 2022

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