Alkhudair Group


Quality education is the foundation upon which improving people’s lives and achieving sustainable development are based. Through it, the necessary and necessary tools can be provided to develop innovative solutions that help solve society’s problems. Based on this basis, supporting the education sector came as a top priority in the goals and work of the Sheikh Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Khudair Endowment and the Sheikh Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Khudair Foundation. Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Khudair Charity is the social responsibility arm of Al-Khudair Group.

In addition to that, the work of building houses of God, and endowment buildings for Qur’an memorization associations, where the sciences of the Qur’an, other Sharia sciences, and all life sciences are taught, and the construction of hospitals, public roads, and everything that would achieve all the goals of life, linked for this to Islamic Sharia, so preserving the religion. It is the first of the necessities, as well as preserving the necessities that a person cannot do without in his life.

NO Comment 25th June 2024

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