Under the Egypt Livelihood Program (ELP) Coca Cola is committed to refurbish 100 rural villages by 2020. The corporation has partnered with the Egyptian Food Bank and Life Makers to upgrade or rebuild infrastructure, provide clean water access by connecting households to running water, and support the communities with economic initiatives.
In terms of economic opportunities, Coca Cola worked with Life Makers and UN Women under the 5by20 program (which aims at empowering 5 million Women Entrepreneurs by 2020) towards women empowerment and entrepreneurship, by providing them with microbusinesses (mainly kiosks and micro distribution centers) and capacity building that will help them generate sustainable income for them and their families. This component has a multi-impact effect on the lives of the women beneficiaries, who not only enjoy better economic conditions, but are also able to send their children to school and provide the family with better healthcare and nutrition.