Jehan Farouk Abed
Over 18 years experience as a trainer with different national and international organizations. She is a Certified Trainer from UNHABITAT of local leadership performances. She has an experience in working with local administration, Business Development , Proposal writing, Preparation, Facilitation, Monitoring and evaluation Team work , Leadership skills , Community dialogues with design makers , Local administration and Community Development Association ( CDAs). She also designs material of Leadership, Management, Organization Management, Good Governance, Advocacy , Participation , women empowerment, social Initiatives Evaluation such as literacy initiatives and documentation in Local issues with Nile Center …etc
Essential Information
Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
Phone: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Female
Degree: Master of EMBA
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 21
Citizenship: Egypt
Curriculum Vitae:
Subscriber only