Mohamed Hussein Elnaggar
I have around 20 years’ experience in the field of Civil Society, Development, Human Rights, Advocacy and Networking. I have acquired this experience through working with international, regional, and local organizations among them; CARE International, National Democratic Institute NDI, Institute of Development Studies IDS, HABITAT International Coalition, Save the Children, USAID projects, Al-Karma Edutainment, Al Ahram Center for Political & Strategic Studies, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies CIHRS, Group of Democratic Development, and finally League of Arab States.
Working with such reputable organizations offered me the opportunity of building very strong and tangible experience in these areas:
· Program Management: including strategic planning, capacity building & providing training to different target groups. In addition to monitoring & evaluating grants both technically & financially in addition to providing technical assistance to grantees. (CARE international, League of Arab States, Group for democratic development, Save the Children, and Al karma Edutainment)
· Monitoring and Evaluation: including excellent ability to establish and manage monitoring and evaluation system. . CARE international, Cairo Institute, Habitat). (Al Karma Edutainment, Group for democratic development)
- Working in conflict and post-conflict environments: with NDI I was responsible for the youth and civil society program in Libya, also with CARE international I was responsible for managing big projects respond to the needs of Syrian refugees in Egypt.
· Advocacy: with NDI and Alkarma I was responsible of the national advocacy program and I made more than 20 training workshops on Advocacy (introductory and advanced) for Youth and NGOs in Egypt and Libya in addition to offering technical assistance for civil society organization in Egypt and Libya
·Networking: I used to manage and work with different kind of networks, friends of Parliament (Egypt), “Yala Sabab Youth for Libya” on a national level, Arab Youth Forum (Arab League) on the regional level, Habitat International Coalition on international level. Also I have solid links with international & regional NGOs especially in the Middle East Region, private and public institutes working in the field of Civil Society, Democracy, and Development.
· Research & Reporting Skills: very good research and analytical skills through working as part time researcher, in addition to professional reporting skills to different donors in addition to UN human rights bodies. (Institute of Development Studies IDS, Al Ahram Center, Cairo Institute, Habitat)
· Training and Technical Assistance: offering more than 300 days training on international, regional, and local levels, and more than 150 days of technical assistance for our partners NGOs from different level.
Moreover, my postgraduate studies enrich my practical experience with academic and scientific base. I have got different diplomas in the field of NGOs & civil soc
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Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
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Gender: Male
Degree: Master
Years of Experiences: 22
Citizenship: Egypt
Curriculum Vitae:
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