Home-based businesses play an important role in Jordan’s economy. Outside of the public sector, micro and small enterprises, including home-based businesses, are a primary driver of income and growth. With funding from UNHCR, the Jordan Livelihoods Program works in five host communities across Jordan to strengthen livelihoods and economic opportunities through home-based businesses. This five-month project was designed for quick impact, aiming to support 100 home-based businesses owned by vulnerable Jordanians or Syrian refugees in the south (Ma’an, Tafileh, and Karak governorates) and north (Irbid and Mafraq).
Blumont works with existing home-based businesses specializing in tailoring, handicrafts, food processing, and more, integrating area-based market research with demand-driven business expansion. In collaboration with local and community-based organizations, the Jordan Livelihoods Project is working to:
- Build entrepreneurs’ skills: Home-based business owners participate in cross-cutting training sessions on management, marketing, finance, and other business skills. These trainings, hosted by community-based partners, also help to foster connections between local entrepreneurs for continued collaboration and support.
- Bring businesses into the formal economy: Blumont provides support to facilitate home-based business registration with the Government of Jordan. Government licensing and registration provides legal protections that businesses in the informal sector do not have—an important step to opening new opportunities.
- Link businesses to new markets: Registration and a strengthened business approach positions interested home-based business owners to enter new markets and expand their businesses.
By strengthening and empowering home-based businesses and the organizations that support them, Blumont aims to promote resilience-based development, employment, and entrepreneurship, boost Jordan’s economy, and clear a path to sustainable livelihoods.
Information source: https://blumont.org/program/program-jordan-livelihoods-project/