

Arqaam is a social enterprise that was founded in 2017 to help improve the impact of humanitarian and development actors through better use of data. People often fear numbers and data instead of seeing the potential behind it. Arqaam works with its clients at the crossroads of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and digital development to make it more than a simple “tick the box” exercise. We support data needs so actors are able to spend less time setting up systems and more time analysing and learning from their data. For grassroot organisations with limited resources, we offer pro bono support through our M&E Capacity Support programme. Arqaam believes in providing its services in line with the 9 Principles of Digital Development. We use open source solutions and follow open data standards where possible and reinvest our own resources to support projects like a Question Library, supporting standardisation across projects and organisations. It’s our passion and at the core of why we started Arqaam to find better ways to add value to the community of practice.

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