Humanitarian Innovation Fund


The Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF) is a globally-recognized program leading on the development and testing of innovation in the humanitarian system. Established in 2011, it was the first of its kind: an independent, grant-making program open to the entire humanitarian community. Humanitarian Innovation Fund now leads the way in funding, supporting, and managing innovation at every stage of the innovation process.

Humanitarian Innovation Fund supports organisations and individuals to identify, nurture and share innovative and scalable solutions to the challenges facing effective humanitarian assistance. In order to achieve this, the Humanitarian Innovation Fund will work towards:

  • Enabling and supporting humanitarian innovators to move creative ideas through the innovation process
  • Supporting them in building new partnerships with key actors
  • Enabling the lessons from grant funded projects and from analysis of innovation processes in humanitarian contexts to be disseminated more widely Strengthening existing relationships between humanitarian agencies, academics and those in the private sector engaged in innovation processes.

NO Comment 27th December 2021

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