Oum El Nour


Oum el Nour is committed to serving individuals through helping them overcome their addiction, in order to attain a healthy society characterized by sustainable growth. Oum el Nour aims at gradually decreasing the addiction rates in Lebanon and increasing awareness of the various factors leading to such, as drug addiction has become an extensive problem, with destructive causes and consequences for individuals, families, and society.

Oum el Nour strives to achieve the following objectives:

  • Raise awareness on the psychological, health, and economic risks of drugs on individuals, families, and the Lebanese society, particularly the youth.
  • Welcome drug addicts, study their health and social conditions, specify their needs, work with them on defining priorities to overcome their addiction through Oum el Nour or other concerned parties.
  • Help drug addicts get treated through the rehabilitation program.
  • Support parents in their trial and accompany them in helping their children undergo treatment and prevention.
  • Help drug addicts get treated through the rehabilitation program.
  • Follow up on ex-drug addicts after their rehabilitation program, strengthen their immunity against drug addiction, and help them reintegrate society and become active members in it.

NO Comment 15th March 2023

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