There are 32353 results
Client Title Deadline Sectors & Services Countries Type Status
Final Evaluation of Ninewa Return Program

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : Malteser International
13 Feb 2021
    Education, Economic Growth, Democratic Governance, Agriculture, Humanitarian aid, Social Development, Monitoring and evaluation
Iraq Tender, Individual Closed
Sustainable Urban Growth Pilot Projects: Gaza, Hebron, Ramallah-Al-Bireh, and Nablus Urban Areas

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF)
09 Feb 2021
    Urban & Rural Development, Project Management, Engineering services, Environmental Services
Palestine Tender Closed
Building a Shock-Responsive National Social Protection System

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : UNICEF
11 Feb 2021
    Social Development, Research and assessment, Institutional Strengthening, Policy and legislative reform
Jordan Tender Closed
Mise en place de prestations de coordination, programme Appui aux Jeunes Initiatives

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : APEFE
08 Feb 2021
    Youth Empowerment, Project Management
Morocco Tender Closed
Appel à proposition pour le recrutement d’un cabinet ou d’un consultant national pour appuyer l’OIT dans la conception et à la mise en place du Club Business Coaching dans le cadre du projet ACJEMP

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : ILO
22 Feb 2021
    Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Capacity building and training
Tunisia Tender, Individual Closed
Final External Evaluation of the IOM Projects (Migrant Resource and response Mechanism (MRRM) Programmes)

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : IOM
12 Feb 2021
    Refugees and Migration, Monitoring and evaluation
Libya Tender Closed
Provision of Needs Assessment (TNA) Consultancy for UN Technology Bank – Science, Technology and Innovation (STI)

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : UNOPS
09 Feb 2021
    Information Communication and Technology, Research and assessment, Accounting & Auditing, Monitoring and evaluation, Institutional Strengthening, Policy and legislative reform
Sudan Tender Closed
Work and Income for Young Men and Women in Africa

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : Economic Research Forum
19 Feb 2021
    Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment, Water and Wastewater, Grant Management, Research and assessment, Supply chain development
Egypt, Tunisia Individual Closed
Migration Programme (AMiRA) Feedback Mechanism Assessment

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : British Red Cross
12 Feb 2021
    Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Research and assessment, Monitoring and evaluation
Egypt, Sudan Individual Closed
Call for Tenders n°21-011 for Final evaluation of a multi-year project

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : Oxfam-Solidarité (OSB)
10 Feb 2021
    Women Rights and Empowerment, Human Rights, Agriculture, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Monitoring and evaluation
Algeria Individual Closed
Réalisation d’une étude à propos du secteur du gardiennage privé au Maroc

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : Oxfam International
08 Feb 2021
    Economic Growth, Research and assessment
Morocco Tender, Individual Closed
Non Communicable Disease Trainer

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations (UOSSM)
16 Feb 2021
    Health, Capacity building and training
Syria Individual Closed

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