Amr Mostfa
Eng. Mostafa has 34 years of total experience in providing short and long-term technical & management services for international development consulting firms, governments and multinational companies in the Middle East & Africa; 23 years of which are in development cooperation projects funded by USAID, EU, AFD & WB towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), managing and delivering Sustainable Urban/Infrastructure Development projects (Social, Environmental, Physical, Energy and economic) including Policy & Institutional Development in Southern Neighborhood region. In depth knowledge of Strategic & Municipal Planning, Action Planning, Social & Environmental Infrastructure, Land Development while protecting natural resources and reducing emissions to environment to avoid Climate Change.
Essential Information
Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
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Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Male
Degree: Master Degree
Years of Experiences: 34
Citizenship: Egypt
Curriculum Vitae:
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