With funding from the Swedish International Development Agency SIDA, the jointly implemented project by UN Women and ILO addresses the structural causes of inequalities that women face in the region preventing them to access decent employment opportunities. The project focuses on Egypt, Jordan and Palestine. Project strategies include promoting equitable labor laws and policies; engaging public, private and community actors (with attention to involving men); and reducing the unequal burden of unpaid care work.
Working with a wide range of partners from among the government institutions, the private sector, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and the civil society, the program will work at three levels, macro, meso and micro, reflected in the program outcomes:
- Outcome 1: Gender responsive labor laws and related policies in place and effective
- Outcome 2: A gender responsive private sector that attracts, retains and promotes women is supported
- Outcome 3: Gender stereotypes about women and men’s responsibilities concerning unpaid care and household work are challenged