MedUp an EU funded project implemented by Oxfam Italy, adopts a holistic all-levels approach for the sustainable growth of social enterprises in six MENA countries. The project provides technical assistance to policy makers, support organizations and social enterprises at the macro. meso and micro levels respectively.
Social enterprises are increasingly becoming important drivers for inclusive growth and play a key role in tackling current economic and environmental challenges. They create jobs in a sustainable manner, mostly locally. Moreover, social enterprises often have a strong focus on social innovation and respond to needs that are otherwise not met, or not met in an optimal manner by public authorities and / or market players.
The MedUP project funded by the EU and implemented by OXFAM Italy has the objective to increase economic inclusiveness and employment in targeted countries by:
(i) promoting country and cross-country policy and advocacy initiatives and public-private dialogue to create an enabling regulatory and policy environment (macro-level)
(ii) reinforcing 60 social entrepreneurship support organizations through capacity-building and networking activities (meso-level)
(iii) providing financial and technical support to 100 social enterprises (micro-level)
Specifically, the goal is to increase economic inclusiveness and employment in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine where adequate policies on social entrepreneurship are in place, public-private dialogue and exchanges of practices are promoted and high-quality services for social enterprises are provided.
Euclid Network, as one of the MedUP!’s technical advisors, is tasked with establishing an online platform in the form of a website to facilitate collaborations between key stakeholders of the social enterprise ecosystems in the six partner countries and beyond. They are now looking for a consulting firm to help build this platform.