Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organization that advances children's rights and equality for girls. In collaboration with the Norweigan Church Aid (NCA) and World Vision, Plan International Sudan lead the Joint Response Consortium for Sudan (JR3) with a fund from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs through Dutch Relief Alliance.
Plan International Sudan is responding to the crises in the target locations in North Darfur, South Kordofan, Khartoum and Gadarif and supporting the most affected people by the humanitarian crisis through JR3 project. A part of this fund is used to support at least one innovative project with the purpose of delivering assistance to those who need it most. This year, there are two projects funded by JR3 one is implemented through world vision in South Kordofan and the second is running now in North Darfur by Plan International Sudan.
The first project by Plan International is the "Be Ready" innovation which aims to enhance community resilience through a digital weather forecast and risk modeling technologies early warning systems. The second project is the "Water Innovation" project which seeks to provide sustainable water supply to targeted communities affected by ware and conflicts includes IDPs, returnees and some of host communities.
The expected outcomes of the Be Ready project are as follows:
- Vulnerable households (HH) are better prepared for sudden flooding disasters due to early access to information and financial resources in combination with improved knowledge on disaster preparedness.
- New technological data on climate forecasting is integrated in local preparedness plans and triggers used by local Humanitarian Actors (LHA) for pre-disaster cash transfers
The expected outcomes of the Water Innovation project are:
- Sustainability of water stations that operates through prepaid water meters
- Raising the capacity of the community in operating and dealing with water station issues
- High level of transparency that helps both community and government to develop water supply service delivery to the affected communities
- Reduction of frequent damages to water points through an active alert system
- Empowerment of communities and commercial vendors to adopt the idea of prepaid water meter and future expansion in many areas
- Provision of plenty, affordable and safe drinking water for the community
- Community adopts the idea of paying water fees