STRIVE Global is a program funded by the European Union under the financial Instrument Contributing to Stability and Peace –IcSP. This project responds to the ongoing threat of global terrorism and the need for effective responses that ameliorate, rather than exacerbate, the threat. The EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy promotes democracy, dialogue, human rights and good governance. It is organized around four pillars - prevention, protection, pursuit, and response.
STRIVE Global program assists local organizations in the design of CVE projects and the implementation, monitoring and evaluation through a sub-granting partnership mechanism (Call for Proposals and Direct Awards). The geographic focus is Central Asia, South Caucasus, Turkey, Western Balkans, and the MENA region. Since the program started 38 projects have been funded in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Jordan.
The project has implemented 38 projects and initiatives, through grants awards with a total of 4.0 Million Euro approximately, with a variety of stakeholders including CSOs, governments' institutions, public and private media outlets, research think tanks among others.
Project Overall Objective
The overall objective is to build the capacity of state and non-state actors to effectively challenge radicalization and recruitment to terrorism while continuing to respect human rights and international law.
Specific objective
The specific objective is to work with local partners to design, implement and develop approaches that have demonstrable impact on the threat posed by radicalization and recruitment to terrorism.
R1. Government, security sector and law enforcement authorities increasingly engaged in fighting radicalization to terrorism and applying effective non-coercive responses to terrorism.
Activity A1 Develop and deliver a cascaded training program for raising awareness of, and building support, for CVE among Public Officials and Civil Society Organizations
Developed a CVE curriculum, in partnership with Search for Common Ground, to introduce government officials and CSOs to CVE.
R2. Strengthened capacity of civil society organizations to prevent and counter terrorism, with increased engagement with Government.
Activity A2 Support design and implementation of Civil Society initiatives to Prevent/Counter Violent Extremism.
Developed the counter extremism web portal www.counterextremismhub.org in partnership with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a platform with CVE sources available per country.
R3. Strengthened capacity of media and Governments to communicate on terrorism in a way that reduces, rather than exacerbates, the threat.
Activity A3 Address the challenge of media coverage of terrorism: raising the awareness and building the capacity of state and media
The first comprehensive online tool-kits for practitioners on how to conduct in an effective manner radical right extremist counter-narrative campaigns in collaboration with CARR, the Center for Analysis of the Radical Right.
R4. Increased understanding, locally and internationally, of the drivers of radicalization among vulnerable groups, including region-specific assessments that will direct the design of initiatives.
Activity A4 Develop research resources that provide an evidence base for CVE interventions.
Nine country reports on the radical right.