Oday Naji
Holder of Master Degree in Public Management, a junior expert in social policies and development sector. I have proven experience and the needed capacities to contribute to:
Elaboration of women’s empowerment projects, strategic plans, Theory of Change, gender and organizational assessments, gender mainstreaming strategies and action plans, desk reviews and research initiatives.
Implementation of projects striving towards combating intersectional forms of discrimination faced by women and non-binary people through political, economic, and social empowerment targeting individual women and other marginalized groups, and organizations.
Drafting project designs, planning, initiation, implementation, perform integrated changes, and monitoring, evaluation and learning.
Essential Information
Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Male
Degree: Master Degree
Years of Experiences: 12
Citizenship: Lebanon
Curriculum Vitae:
Subscriber only