Nashwa Salah Ayoub
Dr. Nashwa Ayoub has a Doctor degree in Business Administration in the role of community responsibility in providing and improving education in Poor areas. Nashwa has about 22 years of experience in the Non-government sector, National and International NGOs. For 22 years, Nashwa worked in different technical and management positions funded by USAID, UN, EC, and donors. She worked in the most important Egyptian and international development institutions such as CARE International, World Learning, the Dutch project, Association for Development and Enhancement of Woman (ADEW), and Misr El Kheir foundation as a full-time worker. Also, She worked as a consultant in many Education areas such as community schools, technical education, and vocational training STEM approach.
Dr. Nashwa worked as:
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Arab Network for Literacy and Adult Education
- Member of the United Nations Volunteer Program for the exchange of experiences
- Member of the Ministerial Committee under the leadership of the Minister of Education to transfer STEM's experience to Egypt.
Also, she has traveled to many Arab, European, and American countries to experience international experiences in the field of education in a number of programs such as the program of traveling around the world with the US Embassy - UNESCO - EU projects. She participated in several meetings on the implementation of the fourth Millennium Development Goals of UNESCO, the Volunteers Program with the United Nations, and the visitors' program around the world.
Essential Information
Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Female
Degree: Ph.D. Degree
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 22
Citizenship: Egypt
Curriculum Vitae:
Subscriber only