Dewan Abu Ehsan
- Having 39 years of working experience in program management and in M&E activities in different international organizations.
- Started career with BRAC subsequently worked in USAID, World Bank, UNDP, EU, funded project and worked in FAO, Winrock International, ACDI/VOCA and Hifab International-AB on a wide range of social safety, food security for ultra-poor and poverty reduction projects.
- Have strong and proven expertise on monitoring and evaluation and successfully managed the M&E activities while working in different international development organizations.
- Have proven track record on program designing, management, planning, monitoring, evaluation and budgeting within the sectors of food security and livelihood, disaster risk management and rehabilitation.
Essential Information
Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
Phone: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Male
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 39
Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali
Citizenship: Bangladesh
Curriculum Vitae:
Subscriber only