Raed Sawalha
Raed Sawalha is working as the youth program specialist for NRC Lebanon office. Raed received his degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Jordan in 2009 and he moved between jobs in the private sector for two years before moving to NGOs when he joined Jordan education initiative in 2010.
Late 2012, Raed joined NRC and started his career in the humanitarian sector working mainly on youth education and empowerment programs. Raed worked with NRC teams in different countries of operations to deliver quality and youth skills development and vocational trainings. In addition, Raed represented the organization and youth in different youth local and global forums.
Raed has an extended experience and a set of skills he developed working in emergency and development contexts.
Essential Information
Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Male
Degree: Bachelor Degree
Years of Experiences: 12
Citizenship: Jordan
Curriculum Vitae:
Subscriber only