Jumana Farah
- Certified Anti-Corruption Manager (CACM) by the American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI).
- Extensive experience in the evaluation/MEAL and management of results-oriented international development projects focusing on socio-economic growth and improved livelihoods. Main themes are poverty reduction and food security (including rural income generation, marketing and trade of agricultural products); SME/social enterprise; education services; irrigation and wastewater management; basic infrastructure provision; governance; and environmental preservation.
- Cross-cutting themes worked on include gender and youth empowerment and inclusion; participatory local development (including municipalities, CSOs and NGOs); institutional building and reform (integration of the private sector in development); environmental preservation; and social and environmental safeguards – “do no harm” assessment/screening and mitigation.
- Evaluation and MEAL experience covers conducting formative, final, and ex-post participatory evaluations using OECD/DAC criteria; designing evaluation methodologies and M&E systems, including developing logical frameworks, defining data requirements, selecting SMART indicators according to donor guidelines, and designing M&E methodologies and tools for data collection; Monitoring project results including participatory data collection and verification; Ensuring data quality (DQA); Identifying data gaps necessary to measure impact and designing tools to remedy the situation when feasible; Data analysis and interpretation using Excel and Power BI applications; Reporting to different stakeholders according to their standards, making recommendations to project management and donors to influence decision-making, mitigation, and future project design; Remote training of field M&E officers present in conflict areas on data collection using the open-faced software Kobo; and Training and coaching/mentoring project staff, including partners, on MEAL and project oversight.
- Project management experience covers the project cycle, from design to completion; designing base work plans, annual work plans, budgeting, and human resources strategies.
Essential Information
Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
Phone: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Female
Years of Experiences: 15
Languages: English, French, Arabic
Citizenship: Lebanon, Mexico
Curriculum Vitae:
Subscriber only