Basma Ibrahim Khalil Ibrahim
Basma Ibrahim is a senior management with Twenty years of experience in field of development
especially in countries in the field of economic Development Project researching, Monitoring and
Impact Evaluation in Egypt. Basma is experienced in preparing Researching, monitoring tools and
establishing integrated systems of M&E to which she provides technical assistance to ensure
compliance and to check on results achieved. Basma has an excellent competences and skills in
understanding the nature of the economic development projects activity especially planning,
organizing. Controlling and evaluating. She has professional work as program and project manager
– Team leader in different file of community development programs. She has an experience in
curriculum development and training of public officials and NGOs (Including TOT, communication
skills, supervision skills, strategic planning, Monitoring & Evaluation, Advocacy, Networking and
constituency building). She participated in different capacity building training sessions ,good
governance, Business Development and Strategic Planning, Operation management, project
designing, proposal writing, gender and development, report writing, Project Monitoring and
Impact Evaluation. She holds high study diploma degree in Management Business Administration
from Ein Shams University-Egypt. She is active member at several NGOs in Egypt (Eg, Syndicate of
Agriculture Professions, Syndicate of Handicaps workers, Friend of Environment Association at
Alexandria and Village of Hope for handicaps Association at Alexandria)
Essential Information
Personal Information

Mobile: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Female
Degree: BSc of Agriculture Home Economics
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 20
Citizenship: Egypt
Curriculum Vitae:
Subscriber only