Tareq Jalal Altamimi
Having a large experience of more than 20 years working as a team leader in community development and developing community development plans, community mobilization revising development plans in different fields in non-profit, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, universities, and international organizations on evaluation, monitoring and evaluation, international law, gender, human rights, and the role of a law expert. I have worked at universities, teaching, conducting training, evaluation, project evaluation, project appraisal, moderation, event management, project coordination, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), project proposal writing, fundraising, working with local authorities, municipalities, village councils, and joint services councils, and having a wide range of experience and contacts. Having a good experience in TVET and all vocational training and management experience, I was the founder of an employment corner and a job creation center at the Hebron Chamber of Commerce, with good experience in job matching, organizing job fairs, and helping in the management and creation of a business incubator and supporting entrepreneurship and innovations. This is just a short summary of my experience in many other fields, including working with the largest consultants: ORGET (SWEDEN), FCG (Norway), ETF (Europe), ENABEL, Belgium Technical Cooperation, GIZ, and much more.
Essential Information
Personal Information

Mobile: Subscriber only
Phone: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Male
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 20
Languages: English, French, Arabic
Citizenship: Jordan, Palestine
Curriculum Vitae:
Subscriber only