Issam Yousif
Outstanding project management skills developed on numerous USAID funded programs; excellent ability to work on multiple tasks and effectively coordinate them into an organization’s strategic plan. Capable of analyzing program activities and develop monitoring and management systems to ensure program outputs meet industry standards. Capable of assuming responsibilities and meet the needs in challenging situations; including collaborating effectively with colleagues and key stakeholders with diverse backgrounds to achieve program objectives and goals.
Specialties: Grants, Training, Governance, Human Rights and Democracy, Management, HR, Procurement & Contracting, Competitive Assessments and Analysis, Budgeting and Finance, Set Goals and Work-plans with Time-lines and Milestones, Questionnaires Design, Data Collection Tools & Methodologies and Monitoring & Evaluation
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Personal Information

Mobile: Subscriber only
Phone: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Male
Degree: Bachelor degree in science / Physics .Bachelor degree in Literature / English
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 14
Citizenship: Iraq
Curriculum Vitae:
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