Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)


Established in 1995 and housed at the World Bank, CGAP is a global partnership of more than 30 leading development organizations that works to advance the lives of poor people through financial inclusion. Using action-oriented research, they test, learn and share knowledge intended to help build inclusive and responsible financial systems that move people out of poverty, protect their economic gains and advance broader development goals.  CGAP researches and experiments to achieve proof of concept and extract lessons that can be built to scale by their partners, who apply CGAP's insights in the marketplace.

CGAP develops innovative solutions for financial inclusion through practical research and active engagement with financial service providers, policy makers, and funders. They view digital technologies as one of the critical means for reaching large numbers of poor people in cost-effective ways. CGAP also work to protect consumers and mitigate the risks that innovative financial services can bring. 

CGAP is supported by bilateral and multilateral agencies, foundations and development finance institutions who leverage work and take solutions to scale.

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