UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), is a specialized agency in the United Nations system, headquartered in Vienna. The Organization's objective is the promotion and acceleration of industrial development in developing countries and countries with economies in transition and the promotion of international industrial cooperation. The UN Industrial Development Organization is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability.
The Organization’s programmatic focus is structured, in four strategic priorities:
- Creating shared prosperity
- Advancing economic competitiveness
- Safeguarding the environment
Profile Information
Bilateral and Multilateral AgencySectors of Interest:
Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth EmpowermentSubsectors of Interest:
Employment and jobs creation, Economic and social empowerment, Business and investment support, Women equity and equality, Social and Economic Empowerment, Entrepreneurial training , ICT for Business Improvement, Handicraft and creative industries , Cultural heritage preservation, Social empowerment , Economic empowerment , Small-medium enterprises developmentCountry of Coverage:
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, YemenHeadquarters:
Contact Information

- http://www.unido.org
office.lebanon@unido.org - Sanae Lahlou
Country Representative Morocco
Casablanca, Morocco
s.lahlou@unido.orgg - Suleyman Yilmaz
UNIDO Country Representative & Director of the UNIDO Centre for Regional Cooperation in Turkiye
s.yilmaz@unido.org - Batool Khalid
administrative assistant
b.khalid@unido.org - Osman Atanur
National Programme Manager at Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP)
a.osman@unido.org - Hassiba Sayah
UNIDO Country Representative
h.sayah@unido.org - Adib Usta
National Project Manager
Damascus, Syria
a.usta@unido.org - Sulafa Mdanat
Country Representative
s.mdanat@unido.org - Maria Morral
Project assistant
Saudi Arabia
Procurement Notices by UNIDO
Provision of e-commerce platform services to support 100 women entrepreneurs in the handicraft sector
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Services d’un Bureau de Recrutement- Programme d’appui à la transition de l’Algérie vers une économie verte et circulaire (ECOVERTEC)
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Waste Management
Terms of Reference for Providing Industry 4.0 Training to Targeted Stakeholders in Tunisia and Côte d’Ivoire
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry, Youth Empowerment
Design and Develop a Comprehensive and Tailored Industry 4.0 Curricula for Industry Adoption
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education, Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Provision of Services for GEF Project Development on “financing Agrochemical Reduction and Management Plus (Farm+) in Egypt (Child Project Under the Farm+ Program)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Agriculture, Climate Change and Global Warming
Provision of Services to Organize GEIPP Egypt Final Event
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Provision of services related to the development of a Circular Economy Roadmap for Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Waste Management
National Expert on Gender and Youth
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
National Expert for Environmental and Social Safeguards
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Entrepreneurship
Appel d’offres pour l’élaboration d’un dossier d’enregistrement de la marque collective des produits artisanaux à base de Halfa de Kasserine
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Request for Strategy and Policy Framework (policy brief and implementation) in Gedaref & Red Sea States
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Agriculture, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of services related to enhancing capacities of MSMEs in waste valorization, divided in two (2) lotS
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Waste Management
Provision of logistical and conceptual planning services for the Green Crossroads Conference and the PAGE Regional Green Academy
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Provision of services relating to Logistical arrangements of the Stakeholder meeting event for the Rabeha Programme
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Procurement of services for the analysis of industry competitiveness and the assessment of skills and training needs as part of the transition to a green economy in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Industry
Provision of Services for the Project Preparation for the National Inventories of Banks of Used or Unwanted Controlled Substances
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Waste Management
Provision of Service related to Awareness Raising on digital Technologies and industry 4.0 opportunities
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Industry
Provision of services related to the organization of a 2-day event entitled “Supplier days” in Tangier Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Trade
Mise à Niveau des Entreprises dans le Secteur de l’Artisanat – Projet “Creative Tunisia 2.0
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry, Refugees and Migration
Development, implementation, management, and operation of waste-to-biobased fertilizers/soil enhancers and energy demonstration plant in Beni Suef Governorate (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Provision of services related to Establish and Operate a Revolving Fund for the Egyptian Program for Promoting Industrial Motor Efficiency
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Provision of services related to Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfer (HACT) Tool Micro-Assessment in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Waste Management
Prestation de Services Relatifs a la Mise en Place d’actions de Formation de Courte Duree – Projet “Creative Tunisia”
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry, Refugees and Migration
Design/layout of publications and communication services under the Industrial Deep Decarbonization Initiative
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Provision of Services to Organize Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP) Egypt Final Event
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Demande de services une agence événementielle pour organiser un défilé
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Develop The Water Desalination Adaptation Impact Analysis Study Report Under The GCF Readiness Programme
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Review And Identification Of ESG Services For Morocco’s Automotive Supply Chain
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Industry
Provision of services for the project “Preparation for the national inventories of banks of used or unwanted controlled substances” in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Industry
Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt : Assistance Technique et Financière pour les Entreprises Artisanales dans la Zone de Kallalet, Mok
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
National Evaluation Consultant
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Industry
Provision of Services for the Development of Feasibility Studies of Priority EIP, RECP, and is Interventions to Enhance Water, Materials and Waste Management at Robbiki Industrial Park in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Industry, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater
Provision of services required for maintenance, repair and development services for F-gas equipment operators central database (EKOMVET) and activity reports database (FARAVET) software programs
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Developing Pre-feasibility studies in a selected cluster for the production and application of green hydrogen in DRI/EAF steel production in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Provision of Legal Assessment Services in the Area of Sustainable Construction in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
CEO endorsement document preparation for Child Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Waste Management
The provision of services related to the development of training material and the delivery of training sessions on due diligence monitoring and reporting in the Moroccan automotive sector
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Industry, Trade
La création de sites web pour le projet Creative Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry
Coaching d’établissements en Tunisie pour le développement de services touristiques autour des produits du terroir
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture, Tourism
Skills Development For The Green Hydrogen Value Chain In Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Provision of Support Services to the Industrial Development Authority (Ida) in Egypt for Mapping Industrial Zones and Parks in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Market Access Coaching & B2B Matchmaking for “Pilot project for revitalizing the Syrian agro-food sector (RAISE)”
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Industry
Organization of B2B meetings for Tunisian companies during the “Salon International de l’alimentation” – SIAL trade fair in Paris, France
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Industry
Provision of services for the mapping of alternative materials, products, and business models to single-use plastic products in Egypt (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Provision of Advisory Services for GEF Project Design in the Area of Sustainable Construction
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Infrastructure
Provision of Services for designing capacity development programme on Circular Economy of single-use plastics and providing training of trainers (ToT) (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Provision of Services to Support Industrial Development Authority (in Egypt) in Institutionalising and Implementing Ecoindustrial Park (EIP) Roadmap and Action Plan
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Appui technique et financier de projets des entreprises de la Diaspora Tunisienne « Creative Tunisia 2.0 »
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry, Refugees and Migration
Provision of communication services for the second admission competition organized by Fez Smart Factory
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Industry, Information Communication and Technology
Call for Proposals to identify and select Japanese companies for UNIDO-JCM projects: Promoting climate innovation and partnership for transition towards a deep decarbonization of society
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Mise en place d’une solution de badging, de campagnes emailing et communication Hors-ligne dans le cadre de la mise en place d’un salon professionnel
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Call for Proposals (CfP) for the selection of Grant Beneficiary for the implementation of A2D Facility Pilot Demonstration Projects in Developing Countries
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Resilience and Mitigation Capacity Building for Investment Planning in Egypt, Uganda, Antigua and Barbuda (Re-tender)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Infrastructure
Development of Feasibility Studies of Priority EIP, RECP and is Interventions to Enhance Energy, Water, Materials and Waste Management at Polaris Industrial Park in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater
Development of Feasibility Studies of Priority EIP, RECP and its Interventions to Enhance Energy, Water, Materials and Waste Management at Orascom Industrial Park in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater
Development of eight (8) GEF 8 CEO Requests for Project Approval for Child Projects under the Global Clean Hydrogen Programme [six (6) Medium Sized Projects and two (2) Full-sized Child Projects]
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights, Environment and Energy
Establishment of a national incubation and support program for project leaders benefiting from the “Creative Tunisia 2.0” project
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Industry
Provision of Technical Assistance Required to Operationalize Reclamation Centres Supported by Recovery and Recycling Networks in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Monitoring and Reporting Expert for Agribusiness for food security Project in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Agriculture, Women Rights and Empowerment
National Business Development Trainer
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
National Gender Expert to conduct a comprehensive gender analysis to understand the current gender dynamics within the target value chains and communities in Gedaref State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Resilience and Mitigation Capacity Building for Investment Planning in Egypt, Uganda, Antigua and Barbuda
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Infrastructure
TVET Centres Analysis in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education, Entrepreneurship
Provision of services relating to the support of skills development for the green hydrogen value chain in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Provision of services for the development of eight (8) GEF 8 CEO Requests for Project Approval for Child Projects under the Global Clean Hydrogen Programme
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming
Financial literacy training for rural Women & Women owned/led Agribusinesses in Gedaref State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Agriculture, Women Rights and Empowerment
Mapping and Analysis of the Dairy Sub-Value Chain for Circular Economy Opportunities in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Agriculture, Waste Management
Provisions of Services Related to UNIDO Project for Energy Efficiency – Criteria for Pilot Projects to Maintain and/or Enhance Energy Efficiency of Replacement Technologies and Equipment (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
National Communication and Visibility Expert
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors:
National Gender Expert, Gedaref / Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of services related to capacity building program “from CDAs* to SMEs” in selected Southern Egypt governorates (Assiut, Sohag, Qena, Luxor and Aswan)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Support of skills development for the green hydrogen value chain
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Provision of Services for the assessment of standards and laboratory capacity on testing circular plastics and packaging industry in Egypt (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Une Agence Événementielle pour la Mise en Place d’une expo-vente
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Provision of services related to good agricultural practices in selected governorates in Southern Egypt (Luxor, Aswan, Assiut, Suhag and Quena)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Agriculture
Appel à projet pour la valorisation de la tapisserie murale de Gafsa
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Industry
L’organisation de formations techniques pour le projet Creative Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Provision of services for Gender and value chains analysis for Agricultural Support Intervention in Gedaref State, Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Agriculture, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of website designing and digital product solution services for the development of a Content Management System (CMS) website Morocco.
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Benchmarking of laws, regulations, certifications and current approaches to meet existing and emerging due diligence requirements Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Trade
Provision of Logistics Services Required for the Implementation of Awareness Activities Under Institutional Strengthening Project Phase Vii and Hpmp Stage II, Tranche I For Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Provision of services for a study on biodiversity mainstreaming in key sectors and capacitybuilding for the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Organization of a matchmaking mission for Tunisian companies producing natural ingredients for cosmetic use during the trade fair “In-Cosmetics” in Paris, France (16-18 April 2024)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Mapping of Existing and Potential Clusters in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Industry
Provision of Services For Organization of 23rd Ozone Panel And 1-day Workshop For Custom and Custom Enforcement Officers in Istanbul
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Réalisation d’une étude sur l’usage de l’intelligence artificielle dans le secteur industriel au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Industry, Information Communication and Technology
UNIDO Call for Expression of Interest for an Independent Project Evaluation in the MENA Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
For the provision of services related to Setting Up of a Revolving Fund for the Egyptian Program for Promoting Industrial Motor Efficiency
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Providing Services To Support Skills Development For The Green Hydrogen Value Chain
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Videography and Photography Services in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
The Provision Of Services Related To Enhancing Environmnetal And Climate Impact And Sustainability Analysis For Msmes In Luxor And Qena
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Entrepreneurship
Provision of services related to Setting Up of a Revolving Fund for the Egyptian Program for Promoting Industrial Motor Efficiency
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Provision of market access and marketing services to support 100 women entrepreneurs
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of Services Related to Identifying Suitable Waste-to-soil Enhancers And Energy Technology for Demonstration
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Provision of Services Related to Organizing and Managing the Third Green Business Expo in the Southern Valley
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Provision of services related to organization of Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) Forum in Egypt under the p roject entitled: “Global Eco Industrial Park Programme (GEIPP) (Re-tender)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Provision of services to Design the expansion of an E-platform and Database on waste exchange and Eco-industrial park Indicators, and Pilot test the monitoring, Reporting and Verification of information at Selected Industrial parks in Egypt (Re-tender)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Provision of technical services to link 400 women employment seekers to real and decent jobs, Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of services for the implementation of identified EIP interventions in industrial parks in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Industry
Provision of sector specific vocational training services in Kassala State between October 2023 to January 2024
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Le diagnostic digital/industrie 4.0 en vue de l’élaboration d’un diagnostic et d’un plan d’accompagnement de solutions en industrie 4.0 pour 95 entreprises Tunisienne (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of training services relating To Business / entrepreneurship skills, and Financial Training of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Kassala State between October 2023 to January 2024
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Provision of services related to design and implementation of a communication and public awareness campaign related to Circular Economy, in the context of the Orange pilot project in the ICT and electronics value chain in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology, Waste Management
Chemical and Mechanical Engineers for capacity building on Industrial Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth
Provision of Services to Enhance the Regulatory Framework of The Bio-based Fertilizer Industry in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Agriculture, Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Request for Services: Coaching Activities For Start-Ups As Part Of The Productive Sectors Development Programme (PSDP)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Agriculture, Entrepreneurship
Services to Assist in the Design, Layout, and Specifications of Equipment Related to the Smart Factory in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Organization of B2B meetings for Tunisian companies during the ANUGA trade fair in Cologne, Germany (7-11 October 2023) and FIE trade fair in Frankfurt, Germany (28-30 November 2023)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Provision of Services Related to Enhancing Environmental and Climate Impact And Sustainability Analysis for Msmes in Luxor and Qena
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Provision of services related to organization of Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) Forum in Egypt under the project entitled: “Global Eco Industrial Park Programme (GEIPP)”
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Industry
Provision Of Services To Design The Expansion Of An E-platform And Database On Waste Exchange And Eco-industrial Park Indicators, And Pilot Test The Monitoring, Reporting And Verification Of Information At Selected Industrial Parks In Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Renforcement des capacités des PME en matière d´accès aux nouveaux marchés et mise en relation B2B
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Introducing systemic climate resilience methodologies in infrastructure investment planning
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Economic Growth
Formations aux procédures d’exportation dans le secteur de l’artisanat
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry, Trade
Selection d’une association ou groupmenent pour la valorisation de la poterie de Sejnane – limité aux fournisseurs de la Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Introducing systemic climate resilience methodologies in infrastructure investment planning
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Economic Growth, Infrastructure
Capacity building on the demonstration of the “Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology (TEST)” methodology
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Diagnostic Study for the Agri-food Sector in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Prestation de services liés à l’organisation d´un cycle de formation sur la valorisation et la promotion des produits du terroir en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Formations aux procédures d’exportation dans le secteur de l’artisanat
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry, Trade
Organization of a media campaign and a cooking show to promote Tunisian dried tomatoes and date products during the ANUGA Trade Fair
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Renforcement des capacités des PME en matière d´accès aux nouveaux marchés et mise en relation B2B
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Provision of Public Relation (PR) services to build awareness of the new regulations of plastic bag control (Re-tendering)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Certification de 06 entreprises de tissage en Global Recycled Standard (GRS)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Provision of Public Relation (PR) services to build awareness of the new regulations of plastic bag control
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Demande de services de gestion d’événements pour un événement de mode
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Impact Assessment of the Benefits of Accreditation in the Arab Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Trade
Expert services to assist in the development of a business model and a business plan related to the smart factory in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Services to assist in the design, layout and specifications of equipment related to the Smart factory in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Service Provider for the project “Enhancing the National Adaptation Plan Process for the Sultanate of Oman” in the framework of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme of the Green Climate Fund
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Formations et appui technique en Marketing Digital
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Recrutement d’une entreprise spécialisée / agence évènementielle pour l’organisation d’un séminaire sur les fondamentaux de l’indus
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Demande de conception de 15 catalogues professionnels de produits artisanaux
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Delivery of a Training of Trainers on the application of the UNIDO’s “Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology” methodology in Industry to Service Providers in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Recrutement d’un Expert.e en Communication
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Identification of a Project Implementing Partner for ASIF
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Entrepreneurship
Vocational Pottery Training (Appui technique- formations métier Poterie)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Impact Assessment of the Benefits of Accreditation in the Arab Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Trade
Renforcement des capacités des PME en matière de sécurité sanitaire des aliments, accès à de nouveaux marchés et mise en relation B2B
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture, Entrepreneurship
Renforcement des capacités des PME en matière d´accès aux nouveaux marchés et mise en relation B2B
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Agriculture, Entrepreneurship
Export Readiness Capacity building & B2B Matchmaking, Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Trade
Export readiness capacity building & B2B matchmaking, Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Trade
Vocational Pottery Training (Appui technique- formations métier Poterie)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Vocational Fashion Training, limited to vendors from Tunisia only
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Provision of services related to organizing and managing Egypt’s 1st Climate and Environment Investment Forum
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Harmonization of standards for low- and near-zero emissions steel in 2023
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Industry
Provision of Public Relation (PR) services to build awareness of the new regulations of plastic bag control in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Avis d’Appel à Projets : Programme d’appui à l’Innovation et les Emplois Verts au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater
Provision of Public Relation (PR) services to build awareness of the new regulations of plastic bag control in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Provision of services related to the harmonization of standards for low- and near-zero emissions steel in 2023
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Industry
Provision of services related to a study on the design of incentives to encourage the procurement of low and near-zero emissions carbon steel, cement and concrete in public construction projects
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Industry
Provision of Communication related services under the project entitled Supporting the promotion of circular economy practices on single-use plastic value chain in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Provision of services related to design and development of green and climate investment website
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Request for services related to a Job Fair
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship
International Consultant (Green Hydrogen expert)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy, Industry
Project to Improve the Value Chain for Accreditation in the Arab Region – Track Program to Enhance Competitiveness in the Areas of Quality and Export
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Industry, Trade
Recrutement d’une radio pour la diffusion de spots de sensibilisation sur l’Industrie 4.0 – Projet L’industrie 4.0 pour favoriser l’emploi des jeunes en Tunisie et en Côte d’Ivoire
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Youth Empowerment
Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP) related services in Egypt in three (3) LOTS
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Industry
Recrutement d’une société spécialisée dans la formation en vue de l’organisation d’une formation sur les fondamentaux de l’industrie 4.0 dans le cadre du projet « L’industrie 4.0 pour favoriser l’emploi des jeunes en Tunisie et en Côte d’Ivoire
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Youth Empowerment
Provision of services for production of videos to promote the impact of the Productive Sectors Development Programme (PSDP) co-lead by UNIDO and FAO
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Agriculture, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Identification of experienced service providers in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Industry
Provision of Safety Auditing Services on Air Conditioners Manufacturing Process in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Industry
Identification of experienced service providers in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Provision of Services related to Business Training
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Institutional/Organizational Capacity Assessment Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Provision of services related to the development and implementation of a Pre-Incubation Business Training and Idea Pitching Contest in Morocco for the PWE2 Project
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of services related to the development and implementation of a Pre-Incubation Business Training and Idea Pitching Contest in Tunisia for the PWE2 Project
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of services related to the development and implementation of a Pre-Incubation Business Training and Idea Pitching Contest in Algeria for the PWE2 Project
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of Services Related to Organizing and Managing the 2nd Green Economy Business Conference in the Southern Valley
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy
Provision of services related to the development and implementation of a Pre-Incubation Business Training and Idea Pitching Contest in Morocco for the PWE2 Project
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of services related to the development and implementation of a Pre-Incubation Business Training and Idea Pitching Contest in Tunisia for the PWE2 Project
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of services related to the development and implementation of a Pre-Incubation Business Training and Idea Pitching Contest in Algeria for the PWE2 Project
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of Services Related to Awareness and Recommendations on the Regulatory Framework of the Bio-based Fertilizer Industry
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Agriculture, Trade
Request for services Capacity-building programme in pottery and to identify opportunities for product development and marketing in the sector
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Industry
Structure d’accompagnement à l’entrepreneuriat pour remplir le rôle de manager d’Incubation IDEA App
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of services related to capacity building of Career Development Service Providers in Luxor and Qena Governorates in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy
Provision of services on development of a roadmap for Green Hydrogen (GH2) Ecosystem in the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone) in Sok hna
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Promotion of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems among youth Menoufia Governorate and Qalyoubia Governorate, Egy
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Environment and Energy
Provision Of Services Related To The Organization Of 22nd Ozone Panel In Istanbul, Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Value chain and market assessment of therapeutic/specialized nutritious foods
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Food Security
Development of a contractual framework for energy performance contracting ESCO business model
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Interior Design and Refurbishment of the Creative Jordan Textile Hub at GSC
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Industry
Services d’ Assistance Technique au Déploiement de la Méthodologie TEST – ECOVERTEC
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Services d’une Agence de Communication dans le cadre du « Programme d’appui à la transition de l’Algérie vers une économie verte et circulaire – ECOVERTEC » (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Economic Growth
Capacity-building programme in pottery and to identify opportunities for product development and marketing in the sector
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Industry
Provision of Services Related to the Organization of 22nd Ozone Panel in Istanbul, Türki̇ye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
National Expert on Upgrading Food SMEs
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Agriculture
Request to organize a Business to Business (B2B) event on renewable energy products from 27 November 2022 to 28 November 2022
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Agriculture, Environment and Energy
Provision of services related to safer chemical management in the textile finishing sector in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt (Re-tender)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Industry
Provision of technical services related to general employability skills training and job matching services for women employment seek ers in Egypt (Re-tender)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment
Request for tailored business coaching services for 10 Jordanian SMEs participating in an industry immersion experience in Italy
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Request for services related to training of women in good agricultural and production practices of MAPs and Dates products
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Agriculture
Provision of Services Required to Assist the Refrigeration Servicing Sector of Tunisia in HPMP Implementation
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Request for tailored business coaching services for 10 Jordanian SMEs participating in an industry immersion experience in Italy
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Provision of Services related to The Organization of Training Workshops under The Project HPMP Stage II For Libya in The State of Libya (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Provision Of Services Related To The Organization Of Training Workshops Under The Project “HPMP Stage II For Libya’’ In The State Of Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Recrutement d’une agence évènementielle pour l’organisation d’une cérémonie de lancement
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Provision of services relating to the development and implementation of a communication strategy for the PWE2 Project (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Assessment of the Ukraine crisis on Moroccan industry and development of a roadmap for decarbonization of key sectors
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Provision of technical services related to general employability skills training and job matching services for women employment seek ers in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Programme d’appui à la transition de l’Algérie vers une économie verte et circulaire – ECOVERTEC
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Provision of Services Related to the Organization of World Ozone Day Event in Ankara
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Provision of Services Related to Safer Chemical Management in the Textile Finishing Sector in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Industry
Structure d’accompagnement à l’entrepreneuriat pour remplir le rôle de manager d’Incubation IDEA App
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of Services Related to the Organization of Training Workshops Under the Project HPMP Stage II for Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Assessment of the Ukraine crisis on Moroccan industry and development of a roadmap for decarbonization of key sectors
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Provision of development and implementation of a series of technical trainings as part of the Productive Sectors Development Program me (PSDP)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Agriculture
Event organizer for workshop on Circular Economy in Hammamet, Tunisia (Extension 2)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Agricultural Consultant for Basic Employment
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Agriculture
Provision of services relating to the development and implementation of a communication strategy for the PWE2 Project
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of Services to Identify Resource Efficient and Industrial Symbiosis Interventions, and to Provide Related Trainings, at the SIDC Industrial Park (Suez Canal Industrial Zone) in Egypt (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Industry
Programme d’appui à la transition de l’Algérie vers une économie verte et circulaire – ECOVERTEC
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Hotel Accommodation & Conferencing Services of Arab Regional Forum on Voluntary Third-Party Assessment modalities
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture, Industry
Identify Resource Efficiency and Industrial Symbiosis Interventions, and to Provide Related Trainings, in Robbiki Leather Cluster in Egypt (Extension 3)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Industry
Provision of services related to the development of technical specification, supervision of installation and commissioning of Solar PV system in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Organisation of closing seminar in Morocco (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Agriculture, Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Provision of services related to graphic design and illustration under Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Provision of technical services related to training women business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs on entrepreneurship and business management (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Safety Auditing on Air Conditioners Manufacturing Process in Egypt (Extension 2)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Industry, Climate Change and Global Warming
Pour le Développement d’un Plan de Gestion Environnementale et Sociale (PGES)
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Industry
Programme d`appui a la transition de l`Algerie vers une economie verte et circulaire
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Mashrou3i podcast development in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
For the provision of services relating to Annual Data Collection 2022
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Agriculture
Strengthening Capacities of Employment Service Providers
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Request for data collection services: Mashrou3i Annual Survey 2022
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Provision of Services Related to Strenghtening Capacities of Employment Service Providers
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Provision of Services Relating To Elaboration of the Mashrou3i Final Project Report and a Learning Document
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Safety Auditing on Air Conditioners Manufacturing Process
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Industry, Climate Change and Global Warming
Services liés à l’organisation d’une filière durable de gestion des PCB au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Developpement d’un Plan de Gestion Environnementale et Sociale (PGES)
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Industry
Organization of Trainings in Izmir and Istanbul
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Assessment and upgrading of policies, and support for the implementation of measures to promote sustainable energy (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Environment and Energy, Industry
Provision of Services Related to the Development of the Bio-based Economy Strategy Action Plan (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Agriculture, Environment and Energy
Promoting small-scale hydroponics farming as a green business and job opportunity among youth in Menoufia and Qalyoubia (Re-tender)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Agriculture
Organisation de la couverture médiatique de la participation des entreprises tunisiennes d’huile de pépins de figue de barbarie biologique au salon In-Cosmetics (Paris, 5-7 avril 2022)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture, Industry
Assessment and upgrading of policies, and support for the implementation of measures to promote sustainable energy for Palestinian industries
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Environment and Energy, Industry
Provision of online training services on the use of IT tools for digital training purposes Project H2O Maghreb
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Youth Empowerment, Water and Wastewater, Information Communication and Technology
Provision of services related to advancing fish processing value chain towards resource efficiency and circularity in Morocco, Swit
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry
Provision of Consultancy Services 7000005345: Supporting the textile value chain to create employment and economic opportunities in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Industry
Development of Learning Product Report on Digitalization in Entrepreneurship and Business Development in Tunisia (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Provision of Consultancy Services 7000005342 for supporting the textile value chain to create employment and economic opportunities in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Industry
L’organisation d’un Voyage d’etude a l’etranger
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Agriculture, Urban & Rural Development, Climate Change and Global Warming
Setting-up a Technical Committee to consolidate the Zaatar Eco-System and organizing B2B events
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Agriculture
Focus Group Research for Youth in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
La Production De Guides De Bonnes Pratiques Agricoles Au Profit Des Agriculteurs
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Agriculture, Climate Change and Global Warming
Advancing the fish processing value chain towards resource efficiency and circularity
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Agriculture, Environment and Energy
Provision of services related to implementation of a pilot project to demonstrate sustainable aquaculture models in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture, Environment and Energy
Preparation of The Project’s Learning Product Report on Women Entrepreneurs and Empowerment
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Awareness-raising sessions on entrepreneurship for female entrepreneurs and job seekers (Extended))
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of services related to the assessment of local institutions offering employment services and development of capacity build ing plans in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Provision of services for assessment of PPE, hand sanitizers and disinfects production capacity in Africa
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Industry
Provision of services related to carrying out two pilot projects to demonstrate the business models of recycling post-industrial and pre-consumer textile waste in Egypt, Switch Med II
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Provision of services related to implementation of a pilot project to demonstrate sustainable aquaculture models in Tunisia, Switch Med II
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Services required for conducting the Minamata Convention: initial assessment in Lebanon (Re-tender)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health, Democratic Governance, Environment and Energy
Provision of services related to surveys of the HCFC consumption in the manufacturing and servicing sectors in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Industry
Development of an electronic registry for electric motors for the Egyptian market
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry, Climate Change and Global Warming
Training of 25 government officials from five governmental institutions to build their capacity in providing services that support w omen entrepreneurs and business owners in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of services related to the assessment of local institutions offering employment services and development of capacity build ing plans in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Provision of expert services for Green Economy Policy Scoping Report of Morocco: opportunities and options for macro-economic sectoral policy reform and fundraising to support an inclusive green economy recovery from COVID-19
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Provision of services related development of an electronic registry for electric motors for the Egyptian market
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry, Climate Change and Global Warming
Production of Communication Teaser and Videos to Promote the Impact of the Project
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture
Provision of services related to organization of six training workshops in Tripoli, Libya and Tunis
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Provision of services related to surveys of the HCFC consumption in the manufacturing and servicing sectors in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Industry
Provision of business acceleration services within the implementation of the Levelup Accelerator initiative
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Training of 25 government officials from five governmental institutions to build their capacity in providing services that support
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Services de promotion et de développement des secteurs de l’artisanat et du design en Tunisie.
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Provision of Services Related to The Development of Branding and Website for Two Export Consortia
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Minamata Convention: initial assessment in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Environment and Energy
Implementation of communication and visibility activities in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education, Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Independent full-fledged evaluation of the programme
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Climate Change and Global Warming
Assessment and upgrading of policies, and support for the implementation of measures to promote sustainable energy (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Assessment and implementation of renewable energy interventions for Palestinian industries (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy
Provision of services for competency based curriculum development for priority sectors, Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education, Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Provision of support services to the local team in Jordan in the implementation of MED TEST III demonstration activities in seven chemical companies, under the SwitchMed II programme SAP (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry
Provision of a tailored training and awareness raising program on renewable energy for agricultural use in the Kassala State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Agriculture, Environment and Energy
Provision of Services related to the HCFC Phase-Out Management Plans (HPMPs) and Enabling Activities for HFC Phase-Down (EAs) in 3 African countries for 5 projects
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Industry
Provision of Circular Economy Content for Entrepreneurs in the Scope of Hp Life Courses
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Provision of services related to development of a GEF CEO endorsement document
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Tourism, Climate Change and Global Warming
Provision of Services for Raising Youth’s Awareness of Local Entrepreneurship in Qalyoubia and Menoufia, Egypt (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Request for provision of business acceleration services within the implementation of the Levelup Accelerator initiative
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Fourniture de services dans le cadre de la formation de formateurs en conduite des engins de travaux publics et des grues
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry
Services de stratégies de communication et créations de contenus spécifiques à la mode
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Industry
Provision of Services Related to Strengthening the Market System for Green MSMES
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Provision of copyediting services of selected UNIDO publications on Green Growth
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Formation en dinanderie pour le cluster cuivre à Kairouan en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry
Promoting Women Empowerment for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in the MENA Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Development of a Business Plan for the Tomato Learning and Service Center (TLSC)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture
Inclusive and sustainable development of the tomato value chain in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture
Provision of technical assistance to facilitate industries on the preparation of conversion projects in Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Industry
Renforcement Des Capacites Du Personnel Du Laboratoire National Des Etudes Et De La Surveillance De La Pollution (Lnesp)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Provision of services related to energy efficiency baseline assessments in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
TERMS OF REFERENCE for the formulation of the Description of the Action under the programme “EU contribution to Lebanon Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction following the Beirut Explosion – Private Sector Component”
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth
Appel D’offres Pour La Production D’un Film Documentaire Sur Les Realisations De L’onudi Dans Le Cadre De La Convention Pour Le Renforcement De La Resilience Des Populations Rurales Des Provinces De Sefrou Et D’azilal Face Aux Changements Climatiques
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Urban & Rural Development
Formulation of Project Document on Resource Efficiency in Industry
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Institutional Support, Youth Empowerment, Environment and Energy, Social Development
Conduct research and analysis towards addressing climate change, energy poverty and sustainable industrialization in Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Organisation de formations et de voyages d’échange au Maroc – Projet ONUDI No. 150386 -: «Convention pour le renforcement de la résilience des populations rurales des provinces de Séfrou et d’Azilal face aux changements climatiques
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Agriculture, Environment and Energy, Urban & Rural Development
Provision of services related to Circular Economy Pilots, Textile value chains in Tunisia and Morocco
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Industry
Request for Online CEFE – HP life training and coaching for aspiring entrepreneurs
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Diagnostic Study of the Pottery Cluster of Grace Village in the Governorate of Menoufia, Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy
For the formulation of the Description of the Action under the programme “EU contribution to Lebanon Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction following the Beirut Explosion – Private Sector Component”
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Industry
Provision of Technical online workshops for aspiring entrepreneurs using HP LIFE
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Diagnostic Study of the Pottery Cluster of Grace Village in the Governorate of Menoufia, Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy
Services d’un prestataire pour la réalisation d’enquêtes sur les zones industrielles au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry
Provision of Technical online workshops for aspiring entrepreneurs using HP LIFE (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Subcontract for the supply of consultancy services: assessment of emerging technologies, including in the fisheries sector; the orga nisation of 2 workshops and the contribution of a project proposal for Stage III of the HPMP for Oman
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Agriculture, Industry
Training on Organizational Management, Leadership and Project Management to the senior government officials
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Institutional Support, Education, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration, Industry
Diagnostic d’une plateforme électronique sur le foncier industriel au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Industry
Subcontract for the supply of consultancy services: assessment of emerging technologies, including in the fisheries sector; the organisation of 2 workshops and the contribution of a project proposal for Stage III of the HPMP
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Agriculture, Industry
Provision of Technical online workshops for aspiring entrepreneurs using HP LIFE
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Subscriber Only Content
Awarded Projects
L’organisation de formations techniques pour le projet Creative Tunisia
Awarding date: 9-5-2024 , Location: Tunisia , Budget: USD 42,504.00
TVET Centres Analysis in Egypt
Awarding date: 21-6-2024 , Location: Egypt , Budget: USD 42,740.13
Resilience and Mitigation Capacity Building for Investment Planning in Egypt, Uganda, Antigua and Barbuda
Awarding date: 18-11-2024 , Location: Egypt , Budget: USD 560,950.00
Technology needs assessment and associated action plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation
Awarding date: , Location: Iraq , Budget: 242,082.00 $
Textile waste value chain mapping and scenario analysis for valorization in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt – SwitchMed II
Awarding date: 7-10-2019 , Location: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia , Budget: 295795.00 $
Subscriber Only Content
Current and Previous Partners Worked With UNIDO
Logo | Name | Category | Countries of Coverage | Sectors & Services |
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Industry
Consulting Firm
Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Consulting Firm
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Trade, Industry
National and Regional NGO
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Industry
National and Regional NGO
Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Global Warming
Consulting Firm
Iraq, Jordan, Oman, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates
Economic Growth, Democratic Governance, Agriculture, Tourism, Trade, Industry
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Iraq, Palestine
Health, Economic Growth, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Humanitarian aid, Information Communication and Technology
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Education, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Human Rights, Environment and Energy, Information Communication and Technology, Climate Change and Global Warming
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, United Arab Emirates
Agriculture, Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater, Waste Management, Climate Change and Global Warming
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Agriculture, Environment and Energy, Industry, Climate Change and Global Warming
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Environment and Energy, Waste Management, Climate Change and Global Warming
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Agriculture, Democratic Governance, Education, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Education, Health, Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment, Human Rights, Water and Wastewater
Consulting Firm
Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development, Social Development, Industry
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Education, Health, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater, Humanitarian aid, Arts and Culture, Social Development, Tourism, Waste Management, Climate Change and Global Warming
National and Regional NGO
Education, Health, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Youth Empowerment, Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Information Communication and Technology, Climate Change and Global Warming
Consulting Firm
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Trade
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Climate Change and Global Warming, Education, Environment and Energy, Humanitarian aid, Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Climate Change and Global Warming, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Health, Information Communication and Technology, Refugees and Migration, Trade, Waste Management, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia
Agriculture, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Health, Infrastructure
Consulting Firm
Education, Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology, Media Development, Social Development
Consulting Firm
Economic Growth, Education, Trade
International Organization
Egypt, Syria, United Arab Emirates
Arts and Culture, Economic Growth, Education, Food Security, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Agriculture, Environment and Energy
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia
Economic Growth
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, United Arab Emirates
Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Agriculture, Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Consulting Firm
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine
Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Food Security, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Infrastructure, Media Development, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Tourism, Trade, Urban & Rural Development, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Consulting Firm
Economic Growth, Tourism
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
International Organization
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen
Economic Growth, Education, Human Rights, Social Development
Arab Organization
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Industry, Infrastructure, Trade
Consulting Firm
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Syria
Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Consulting Firm
Economic Growth
Consulting Firm
Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Media Development
National and Regional NGO
Agriculture, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Industry, Trade
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates
Environment and Energy, Industry, Infrastructure
Consulting Firm
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
National and Regional NGO
Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia
Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Bahrain, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Tunisia
Economic Growth, Social Development
National and Regional NGO
Child Rights, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Climate Change and Global Warming, Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates
Economic Growth, Industry, Waste Management
Consulting Firm
Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Arab Organization
United Arab Emirates
Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Consulting Firm
Libya, Tunisia
Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Arab Organization
Saudi Arabia
Democratic Governance, Media Development, Youth Empowerment
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