Alaa Elaroush
With 5 years of extensive experience, Alaa regularly provides consultancy to IGOs, agencies, and civil society organizations on ways to enhance the efficiency of their development programming and activities through capacity building, research, and strategic planning and project management, M&E coordinator and facilitator, and trainer. In addition, robust background implementing programs with various IGOs and NGOs such as GIZ in Libya, UNDP in Libya, UNITAR, IOM , WFP, UNFPA, ACTED organization, NDI, Chemonics international, Libya Transition Initiative (LTI) 4, IRI and USAID., British Council, International Republican Institute (IRI), Canadian Fund, Additionally, An experienced International Relations, , democratic transition, war peace and security, Political Economy, peacebuilding, and SSR, DDR program, Youth Political empowerment, as well as Climate Action.
Essential Information
Personal Information

Mobile: Subscriber only
Phone: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Male
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 5
Languages: English, Arabic
Citizenship: Libya
Curriculum Vitae:
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