Boussabah Mohamed Moncef
- More than 50 years' experience in Development fields, in particular project identification and baseline data collection
- Environment and impact studies
- Water sector and all its components
- Economic and public management support programs in developing countries
- Poverty alleviation in various countries
- Project design and supervision
- Rehabilitation of existing facilities
- Interventions on funding basis from AFDB, IsDB, World Bank, GIZ, MCC, JICA, FDA, etc., in several African countries as:
more than three hundred references in most of the above-mentioned fields, ranging from project identification and master planning to post-evaluation in urban, rural, industrial and tourist areas. - SENEGAL:
Rural water projects in Casamance, Saint louis and Bakel regions - BURKINA FASO:
Supervision of rural water supply projects. - SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE:
Diagnosis and inventory of all water resources and networks in all the country's urban and rural centers, over than 200 villages,..... - NIGER:
RURAL FIELD expert to assist MCA in the analysis of tenders in this field. - RWANDA:
As hydrologist, member of panel of independent experts for MUVUMBA watershed development project revision which includes the construction of an earthdam and downstream hydro-agricultural development. - CAMEROUN:
As hydraulician and hydrologist and member of the panel of independent experts for the VIVA BENOUE project to develop and enhance the BENOUE valley located downstream LAGDO dam . This contract is running to 2027
Accustomed to working and leading teams and collaborating with project managers and contractors in a multicultural environment in Arabic, French, English and notions of Portuguese speaks and writes briefing notes and detailed reports in French and English.
Essential Information
Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
Phone: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Male
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 50
Languages: English, French, Arabic
Citizenship: Tunisia
Curriculum Vitae:
Subscriber only