EL Nour Saker
A rural sociologist with over 10 years’ experience. My particular expertise include: agrarian change and rural wellbeing; the role of different social protection strategies (e.g. cash transfers, targeting policies, etc.) for addressing different kinds of vulnerability; migration, livelihoods, coping and resilience also in relation to food and resources access; women empowerment, stigma and discrimination among particular groups; the effects of public policies on rural young people, particularly girls; the role and impacts of access to land in the context of poverty combating.The agri-food systems dynamics and the networks of food production, food processing and food consumption in local and global level.
Essential Information
Personal Information

Mobile: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Male
Degree: PHD Degree
Years of Experiences: 10
Citizenship: Egypt
Curriculum Vitae:
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