Hayat Osseiran
I have extensive experience in the field of child labour in the Arab Region especially Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Yemen before the war and others in MENA region. There is a huge gap in work on child labour in this region due to many issues especially the lack of enough specialists who have had enough experience to know how to tackle this very complex issue.
I have worked at National Policy levels in developing policies and legislations as well as direct local field levels in prevention, rehabilitation and re-integration. I have also specifically worked in sectors of agriculture, street based work, construction, small industries and establishment and children affected or involved in armed conflicts.
I have great passion within this field and would love to serve in it.
Essential Information
Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
Phone: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Female
Degree: PHD Degree
Years of Experiences: 20
Citizenship: Lebanon
Curriculum Vitae:
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