Heba El-Toudy
- Experience in carrying out project midterm evaluation against criteria mandated by international financial institutions (IFIs) and international cooperation entities as well as experience in preparation of country programme strategy as per UN requirements.
- Proven direct contribution to enhancing the business performance and profitability of one of Egypt’s leading environmental consultancies, for over ten years, through:
- Knowledge Management (KM): Developing, setting up, managing, maintaining and updating a comprehensive KM system
- Business Development: Researching and analyzing business opportunities; Preparation of proposals, project and assignment reports as well as marketing material; Managing the launch of a new website, and Contributing to the development of procedures, manuals and templates, among other tasks. - Proven exceptional experience in writing and preparing project and assignment reports and proposals as well as English<>Arabic translation, editing and proofreading, culminating in:
- Managing, carrying out and participating in a large number of various professional writing assignments covering the following fields and sectors, among others: Environmental and Social Management; Energy; Oil and Gas; Manufacturing Industry; Infrastructure and Transport; Tourism; Mining; Waste Management; Agribusiness and Agriculture; Water Resources; Policies and Planning; Health and Safety; Pollution Abatement and Risk Assessment; Due Diligence; Coastal Zone Management; Biodiversity Conservation and Management of Protected Areas; Socio-economic Studies; Institutional and Legal Frameworks, and Training and Capacity Building as well as, most recently, Economic Governance.
- Publication of a major academic work that is considered a valuable contribution to History and Art History.
- Excellent experience in training and capacity building, communication, awareness and institutional development through working for international cooperation and aid projects for over 25 years.
- Excellent experience in archiving, stakeholder and team management and coordination, interpretation and teaching.
Essential Information
Personal Information

Mobile: Subscriber only
Phone: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Female
Years of Experiences: 25
Languages: English, Arabic
Citizenship: Egypt
Curriculum Vitae:
Subscriber only