Muhammad Jaroush
Muhammad Jaroush is a recognized financial inclusion expert, his areas of expertise are centered on enterprise development specific to the Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprise sector (MSMEs), including senior level banking loan portfolio performance management, lending and guarantee operations, credit procedures, policy formulation, program design/management, evaluation and project management. Mr. Jaroush expertise includes leading teams for the banking sector, NGOs and Microfinance institutions for projects developing programs to deliver MSME’s support services, including SME incubation programs, training, consulting, business loans, guarantees and business development services (BDS). Mr. Jaroush managed operations in the Middle East, South East Asia and South Africa. Mr. Jaroush has
Essential Information
Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Male
Degree: Bachelor Degree
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 30
Citizenship: Argentina, Lebanon
Curriculum Vitae:
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