Vahit Bıçak
Academician, Lecturer, Educator, Writer, Legal Consultant, Mediator, Arbitrator, Attorney, specialized in many aspects of domestic and international evidence, criminal procedure and human rights law with proven record of strong leadership. Fluent in Turkish and English.
Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Ankara University in Turkey (1985-1989). Became a doctor in law with a thesis on improperly obtained evidence. Received his PhD from the University of Nottingham in Great Britain.
Professor Dr. Vahit Biçak, an internationally known lawyer, was a visiting scholar at both the City University of New York and the Fordham Law School, U.S.A.
Essential Information
Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
Phone: Subscriber only
Gender: Male
Degree: Master Degree
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 30
Citizenship: Turkey
Curriculum Vitae:
Subscriber only