Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT)


The Academy of Scientific Research & Technology (ASRT) is a non‐profit organization affiliated to the Ministry of Scientific Research, established in September 1971. ASRT adopts a comprehensive plan for developing Egyptian S&T to support relevant national ministries and research institutions in creating an integrated system of scientific research together for increasing the number of trained scientists in Egypt, and giving science a leading role in the country's development and knowledge based economy.

The ASRT plays an active role in international research policy through its membership in various international non-governmental organizations as well as in a number of other international committees.

ASRT proposes, funds and manages National Multidisciplinary and Multi institutional Applied Projects, Initiatives and Campaigns, to tackle National stressing problems & demands.The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology has within its mandate a set of funding programs to support high quality research and innovation activities.


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