Association Oujda Ain Ghazal 2000
Association Oujda Ain Ghazal 2000
Oujda Ain Ghazal 2000 is a regional non-profit association, created on April 14, 2000. It is a gender focal point in the EASTERN Region of the country.
OAG 2000 manages an equality support mechanism, a reception social protection center, specialized listening but also an emergency accommodation system
It's mission is to contribute to the integration of gender in the local development process with a strong investment in the evolution of mentalities with respect to gender equality and in bringing the voices of the voiceless.
Profile Information
National and Regional NGO Sectors of Interest:
Child Rights, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Women Rights and EmpowermentSub Sectors of Interest:
Employment and jobs creation, Economic and social empowerment, Women equity and equality, Relief assistance and services, Workforce development, Training for employment, Public Private Partnership, Civil society strengthening, Civic engagement participation and volunteerism, Ending violence against women and girls, Child protection, Political participationType of Service:
Advocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Psychosocial SupportLocations:
Contact Information
Association Oujda Ain Ghazal 2000
- - Latifa Rezzoug
vice-president - Amina Moumni
project coordinator
Procurement Notices by Association Oujda Ain Ghazal 2000
CONSULTATION: Technical assistance for updating the intervention circuit of the (guide on child protection – Oujda)
Post date:October 29, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Post date:November 14, 2022, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Call for Consultancy on Support for Women and Girls Who Are Victims of Violence (Ffvv)
Post date:November 14, 2022, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Réalisation des actions de communication pour la capitalisation de projet
Post date:October 23, 2022, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Réalisation des actions d’accompagnement des instances d’équité, de l’égalité des chances et de l’approche genre (IEECAG)
Post date:October 23, 2022, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Réalisation des actions de plaidoyer pour l’appui des mécanismes de participation citoyenne
Post date:July 4, 2022, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Réalisation des ateliers d’accompagnement des acteurs concernés pour l’opérationnalisation des espaces de concertation et de médiation citoyenne
Post date:February 23, 2022, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Cabinet/consultant/te pour réaliser une étude sur les motivations des juges pour autoriser le mariage des mineurs
Post date:November 23, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Recrutement D’un Cabinet/Consultant/Te Pour La Realisation D’une Etude Sur Les Motivation Des Juges Pour Autoriser Le Mariages Des Mineurs
Post date:October 17, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Réalisation des ateliers de réflexion et d’accompagnement des acteurs concernés pour la création et l’animation des espaces de concertation et de médiation citoyenne
Post date:October 6, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Coaching pour la réalisation des capsules vidéo sur la participation citoyenne des femmes et des jeunes
Post date:September 30, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Formateur/trice pour le renforcement des capacités des magistrats en matière de la psychologie de l’enfant
Post date:September 23, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Réalisation d’une campagne digitale de sensibilisation et de prévention des Violence basées sur le genre
Post date:September 23, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Assistance technique pour la documentation et la capitalisation de experience du programme Tamallouk
Post date:August 1, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Formation des professionnels médias de la région de oriental sur les stéréotypes du genre dans les couvertures médiatiques
Post date:August 1, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Guide pédagogique pour l’intégration de la citoyenneté et la lutte contre les violences basées sur le genre
Post date:June 14, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Formation au profit des professionnels médias sur les stéréotypes genre dans la couverture médiatique
Post date:June 14, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Elaboration plan d’action plaidoyer pour le RCEO
Post date:June 14, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Sélection D’un/e Consultant/e Chargé/e De L’élaboration Du Plan Stratégique De L’association Oujda Ain Ghazal 2000 Pour Les 5 Ans À Venir (2022-2026)
Post date:March 9, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Consultance et services d’appuis : Documentation et capitalisation projet
Post date:March 1, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Subscriber Only Content
Current and Previous Partners Worked With Association Oujda Ain Ghazal 2000
Logo | Name | Category | Countries of Coverage | Sectors & Services |
Arab Organization
Education, Economic Growth, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Humanitarian aid, Social Development, Food Security
International Organization
Education, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Refugees and Migration, Social DevelopmentCapacity building and training
International Organization
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia
Democratic Governance, Human Rights, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
International Organization
Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine
Education, Health, Economic Growth, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Arts and Culture, Social DevelopmentCapacity building and training
International Organization
Education, Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Humanitarian aid, Social DevelopmentCapacity building and training
International Organization
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen
Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment, Water and Wastewater, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Food SecurityAdvocacy and awareness raising
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
Consulting Firm
Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia
Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development, Water and WastewaterResearch and assessment, Accounting & Auditing, Engineering services, Monitoring and evaluation, Institutional Strengthening, Feasibility studies, Environmental Services
National and Regional NGO
Health, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Child Rights, Human Rights, Refugees and MigrationAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Media and communication
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia
Agriculture, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Health, Information Communication and Technology, Infrastructure, Refugees and Migration, Urban & Rural Development, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
International Organization
Jordan, Morocco, Palestine
Democratic Governance, Environment and Energy, Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and EmpowermentCapacity building and training, Feasibility studies, Institutional Strengthening, Monitoring and evaluation
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Child Rights, Democratic Governance, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia
Arts and Culture, Economic Growth, Humanitarian aid
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