CERAI is an NGO of Rural Agrarian Development that we want a rural, agricultural and fishing world, based on global respect for food sovereignty, agroecology, sustainable development, human rights, human development, the strengthening of the social fabric, the equality between men and women and participatory democracy. CERAI contributes to the transformation of the rural and agrarian world, defends food sovereignty and the improvement of the living conditions of peasants. The organization develops its mission through: critical reflection on the current situation of agriculture and rural development, development cooperation projects, specialized training, social awareness and communication in both enriched and impoverished countries, networking to strengthen the social fabric, the commitment to research on the issues that concern us and the promotion of political incidence.
Profile Information
International Organization Sectors of Interest:
Women Rights and Empowerment, AgricultureSub Sectors of Interest:
Agribusiness and agroindustry , Agricultural research, Economic empowerment , Livestock and animal production, Social empowerment , Women equity and equalityType of Service:
Research and assessment, Advocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and trainingLocations:
Algeria, Morocco, Palestine, TunisiaHeadquarters:
Contact Information
- https://cerai.org/
info@cerai.org - Edurne Caballero Zaldibar
junta.directiva@cerai.org - Meugenia Reyes
Técnica en Cooperación
meugenia.reyes@cerai.org - Jorge Cavero Redondo
Technical Directorate
jorge.cavero@cerai.org - Rocio Diaz
Project Administrative Technician
rocio.diaz@cerai.org - Celia Climent
Head of the Communication Area
celia.climent@cerai.org - Vega Diez
Director of the International Cooperation Area
vega.diez@cerai.org - Arantxa Garcia
Project Manager
arantxa.garcia@cerai.org - Mª Eugenia Reyes
Expat technician
Procurement Notices by CERAI
Evaluation externe finale de deux projet de Coopération Internaional
Post date:September 28, 2021, Country of Coverage: Morocco
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Current and Previous Partners Worked With CERAI
Logo | Name | Category | Countries of Coverage | Sectors & Services |
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine
Education, Health, Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights, Human Rights, Water and Wastewater, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Arts and Culture, Trade
National and Regional NGO
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, Turkey
Education, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Arts and Culture, Media DevelopmentResearch and assessment, Advocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
Consulting Firm
Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia
Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development, Water and WastewaterResearch and assessment, Accounting & Auditing, Engineering services, Monitoring and evaluation, Institutional Strengthening, Feasibility studies, Environmental Services
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen
Economic Growth, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia
Arts and Culture, Economic Growth, Humanitarian aid
EuropeAid |
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