Collateral Creations


Collateral Creations is a consultancy & creative agency specialized in foreign affairs and development, set up in 2010 as a limited company to bring together mixed teams of policy, academic and creative professionals to produce and distribute solid and original contents in multimedia formats. Collateral Creations is a collaborative platform drawing on a network of artists (photographers, filmmakers, multimedia artists, curators, graphic designers) and experts (analysts, journalists, researchers, academics, policy makers).

Collateral Creations initiate or manage creative and innovative visual projects based on solid analyses about international affairs and socio-economic issues. Collateral Creations promote the productions using diverse multimedia channels (press, exhibitions, happening, Internet, mobile or interactive web platforms). With strong experience in project management, Collateral Creations works to deliver adequate results according to deadlines. Depending on the required degree of the involvement in projects, Collateral Creations can:

  • Formulate and design new projects, develop partnerships, and raise support.
  • Set up the creative, research and management project teams.
  • Lead the production of creative and analytical content and plan and implement distribution strategies.
  • Design, organize and carry out creative advocacy activities.
  • Produce audio-visual works for communication campaigns.
  • Deliver workshops and training activities.

NO Comment 10th February 2022

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