I and D-Institutions et Developpement


Institutions et Développement (I&D) is a French law consulting firm created in 1996 by two partners. The firm is independent of any public or private organization.

I&D responds to requests: 

  • Public, semi-public or private organizations , which wish to evaluate their action, redefine their objectives or refine their strategy,
  • Donors who wish to conduct institutional evaluations of programs with their partners, either in the preparation phase or during implementation, to analyze and reduce (or prevent) blocking factors, or to refocus them, or at the end of the cycle to evaluate the results and learn lessons,
  • Governments or Ministries who wish to undertake structural and/or organizational reforms.

I&D has been working for 25 years for the main technical and financial partners involved in ODA , both multilateral (European Union, World Bank, FAO , IFAD , UNDP , UNESCO , etc.) and bilateral (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Germany, etc.). This gives us a good knowledge of the financial tools and operating methods used in ODA.


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