LifeVision for Development


Life Vision for Development; an Egyptian non-profit foundation believes in community transformation through development. It is committed to take care of the poor and oppressed women, children & youth, irrespective of their race, religion, gender or political conviction. They operate in partnership with other local NGOs in Cairo and Upper Egypt, They work with marginalized, vulnerable women farmers, to help them support themselves and improve their lives through modern farming, literacy and financial literacy where they become able to generate income and can provide better food security and education for their family members they support.

As for youth they provide vocational training, basic skills and entrepreneurship training to empower them to join the workforce or assist them to become entrepreneurs through their Job Business Center (JBC). As for children, Lifevision establishes safety nets in marginalized areas where child abuse rates are high, these safety nets offer children different kinds of informal education through very well designed and well recognized programs to call for their rights and acquire the life skills their parents and communities have failed to offer. Parents are also part of their development programs where they attend awareness raising sessions concerning parenting, these programs include parenting styles, nutrition, child psychology and children rights.

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