Médecins du Monde
Médecins du Monde
Doctors of the World - Médecins du Monde is an independent international movement of campaigning activists who provide care, bear witness and support social change. Through their 355 innovative medical programmes and evidence-based advocacy initiatives, They enable excluded individuals and their communities to access health and fight for universal access to healthcare.
Profile Information
International Organization Sectors of Interest:
Health, Humanitarian aidSub Sectors of Interest:
Mental Health, Disasters and humanitarian emergencies, Health in EmergenciesType of Service:
Advocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Psychosocial SupportLocations:
Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, YemenHeadquarters:
Contact Information

Médecins du Monde
- https://www.medecinsdumonde.org/
info@medecinsdumonde.org - Marc Gerges
Vice President
mgerges@medecinsdumonde.lu - Catherine Giboin
Vice president
catherine.giboin@medecinsdumonde.net - Joel Weiler
Managing Director / Executive Director
Paris, France
joel.weiler@medecinsdumonde.net - The Yannick
Director of Operations France
Paris, France
le.yannick@medecinsdumonde.net - Sara Durango
Project Manager
Paris, France
Procurement Notices by Médecins du Monde
Medical Training Service Provision
Post date:March 16, 2025, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Call for Consultancy: Creation of a Map of Health Stakeholders and Healthcare Provision and Analysis of Barriers to Access to Health and the Rights of Vulnerable People
Post date:March 10, 2025, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Cartographie des acteurs de santé et de l’offre de soins et analyse des barrières d’accès à la santé et aux droits des personnes vulnérables
Post date:March 6, 2025, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Termes de Référence : Expert.e pour la réalisation d’une étude sur les enjeux de détection, de prise en charge et d’accès aux services des personnes victimes de traite interne
Post date:February 24, 2025, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Appel à consultance pour la réalisation d’une analyse sur le cadre légal tunisien en matière de collecte et protection des données personnelles et la production de recommandations pour mise en conformité, dans le cadre du projet XENIA
Post date:February 24, 2025, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Experte pour la realisation d’une etude de capitalisation
Post date:February 24, 2025, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Appel à consultance pour la réalisation d’une analyse sur le cadre légal marocain, projet PROSAM
Post date:February 24, 2025, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Expert in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (SMSPS) to support MdM projects
Post date:February 24, 2025, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Expert.e en santé mentale et soutien psychosocial pour la réalisation d’un livret de formation en premiers secours psychologiques à destination des agents de la Garde Nationale dans le cadre du projet (Protection des enfants et jeunes en mouvement)
Post date:February 12, 2025, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Expert.e. Pour La Mise en Œuvre De L’etude Finale Du Projet Sehaty Dans Sa Deuxieme Phase
Post date:February 12, 2025, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) Strategy Development
Post date:February 11, 2025, Country of Coverage: Syria
MHPSS supportive supervision consultancy
Post date:February 6, 2025, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Expertise en Sante Publique Pour La Realisation D’une Analyse De Contexte Et Des Besoins en Sante
Post date:February 4, 2025, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Un.e consultant.e ou équipe de consultant.es pour le développement et la production de supports pour la diffusion des informations relatives aux cartographies des services adaptées aux différents cibles et parties prenantes
Post date:January 30, 2025, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Evaluation Initiale Et D’une Baseline Dans Le Cadre Du Projet Prosam 2
Post date:January 29, 2025, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Terms of Reference-Tax Advisor
Post date:January 19, 2025, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Appel a Consultance Elaboration D’un Guide De Prise en Charge Holistique en Matiere De Sante Et Droits Sexuels Et Reproductifs
Post date:January 8, 2025, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Lawyer–Legal Consultations and General Advisory for the year 2025
Post date:December 24, 2024, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Consultancy-External Training Announcement
Post date:December 19, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Consultance : Enquete Cap (Connaissances – Attitudes – Pratiques)
Post date:December 15, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Terms of Reference for Tax Service
Post date:December 9, 2024, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Call for Expressions of Interest Mid-term Evaluation Provision of Essential Health Care and Protection Services to the Conflict Affected Population in Syria
Post date:December 1, 2024, Country of Coverage: Syria
Capitalization Mission-Community Mental Health and Substance Use Centers (CMH-SUC)
Post date:November 10, 2024, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Réalisation D’une Collecte De Donnée De Satisfaction De La Population Cible Sur L’accompagnement en Santé Mentale
Post date:October 30, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Call For Trainer on Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) Principles and Techniques
Post date:October 10, 2024, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
An Expert in Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning (MEAL)
Post date:October 10, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco, Tunisia
Un.e expert.e en Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning (MEAL) en appui à la région Afrique du Nord
Post date:October 9, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco, Tunisia
consultant.es pour le développement et la mise en œuvre d’une campagne de sensibilisation sur l’impact des violences subies par les enfants et jeunes en situation de vulnérabilité sur leur santé mentale
Post date:September 29, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Un.e psychologue ou d’un.e psychothérapeute pour le soutien psychosocial au personnel
Post date:September 19, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Assessment of MdM’s Mental Health and Psychosocial Emergency Response oPt, West Bank
Post date:September 17, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Consultant en Vidéographie : Réalisation d’une vidéo de capitalisation sur l’accompagnement et le suivi technique dans le cadre des subventions en cascade du projet Sehaty
Post date:September 4, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Un.e expert.e en politiques & procédures PSEA
Post date:September 1, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Consultant:Exploration Mission Al Qaa and Akkar,Lebanon
Post date:August 26, 2024, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Assessment of MdM’s Mental Health and Psychosocial Emergency Response oPt, West Bank
Post date:August 20, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Formation de formateurs sur la protection des Mineurs Non Accompagnés (MINA)
Post date:August 20, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Formation sur la traite des êtres humains dans le cadre du projet PROMESS
Post date:August 18, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Appel a Consultance Pour La Realisation D’une Enquête De Reference (Baseline), D’une Analyse Des Besoins Et D’une Analyse Des Risques Dans Le Cadre Du Projet Xenia
Post date:August 11, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco, Tunisia
Expert.e en protec,on de l’enfance pour la réalisa,on d’une forma,on de formateurs sur la protec,on des Mineurs Non Accompagnés (MNA)
Post date:August 7, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) Trainer and Supervisor
Post date:August 7, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Formation en premiers secours psychologiques dans le cadre d’un projet protection enfants
Post date:August 4, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Mise en place gestion de plaintes et feedback pour un projet de protection d’enfants vulnérables
Post date:August 1, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Etude sur la santé mentale d’enfants et jeunes en situation de vulnérabilité, Tunisie
Post date:August 1, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Define and discuss the daily exposure of the health professionals
Post date:July 29, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Final Evaluation of the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Project in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,Palestine
Post date:July 18, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Appel a Consultance Pour La Realisation D’une Enquête De Reference (Baseline), D’une Analyse Des Besoins Et D’une Analyse Des Risques Dans Le Cadre Du Projet Xenia
Post date:July 14, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco, Tunisia
Appel a Consultance Pour La Realisation D’une Analyse Intersectionnelle (Age, Genre Et Handicap) Dans Le Cadre Du Projet Xenia
Post date:July 14, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco, Tunisia
Final Evaluation”Improving the Resilience and Responsiveness of the Palestinian Population Most Vulnerable to the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza and the West Bank”
Post date:July 14, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Enquête Connaissances, Aptitudes et Pratiques (CAP) auprès des enfants et jeunes en mobilité dans les régions de Rabat et Oujda
Post date:July 10, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Development of a protocol for the management of humanitarian emergencies of the Diocesan Delegation of Migrations in Morocco within the framework of the “ASSI” project
Post date:July 10, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Consultant.e pour la réalisation d’une enquête Connaissances, Aptitudes et Pratiques (CAP)
Post date:July 10, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Enquête Connaissances Attitudes et Pratiques (CAP) et évaluation barrières accès à la santé, Tunisie
Post date:July 7, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Evaluation of SMSP support for GBV survivors, Tunisia
Post date:July 7, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Etude de l’offre de soins et barrières à la prise en charge de grossesses non désirées , Tunisie
Post date:July 7, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Expert.e en protection de l’enfance pour la réalisation d’une formation de formateur
Post date:July 4, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Third-Party Monitoring Assignment of Provision of Essential Basic Primary Health Care to Vulnerable Conflict-Affected Populations
Post date:July 1, 2024, Country of Coverage: Syria
Appui au développement d’une proposition de projet
Post date:June 26, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Expert.e en santé mentale et soutien psychosocial pour la réalisation d’une formation
Post date:June 19, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Expert·e en Migration pour la réalisation d’une formation sur la Santé et Droits en Migration
Post date:June 19, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Expert.e en protection de l’enfance pour la réalisation d’une formation de formateur
Post date:June 19, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Consultant en charge du soutien psychosocial (staff care) auprès des équipes de première ligne dans les régions de Marrakech-Safi et Souss-Massa
Post date:June 12, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS) Supportive Supervision(Ramallah,Jericho)
Post date:June 11, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS) Supportive Supervision(Gaza Strip,Jerusalem,Bethlehem)
Post date:June 10, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
External Training on Monitoring and Evaluation
Post date:June 6, 2024, Country of Coverage: Turkey
Enquête Midterm de projet: L’accès aux services de Santé et Droits Sexuels et Reproductifs de qualité est amélioré pour les femmes migrantes en situation de vulnérabilité
Post date:May 29, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Expert·e en Migration – formation sur la Santé et Droits en Migration, Tunisie
Post date:May 22, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Recrutement d’un.e consultant.e en capitalisation et plaidoyer
Post date:May 19, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco, Tunisia
Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) Trainer
Post date:April 21, 2024, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Consultant to determine quantitatively and qualitatively the current MHPSS situation through conducting a comprehensive MHPSS evidence-based study
Post date:April 16, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Appel à consultation pour une évaluation mi-parcours d’un projet au Maroc
Post date:April 15, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Expert·e en Migration pour la réalisation d’une formation sur la Santé et Droits en Migration dans le cadre du projet PROMESS
Post date:April 8, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Appel à candidature pour la désignation d’un.e psychologue clinicien.ne dans le gouvernorat de Médenine
Post date:April 8, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Filmmaker, videographer,agency or production house to develop a documentary for the project”Capacity Building against Exclusion,Violence and Addictions in Lebanon (ReCEVAL)”
Post date:April 7, 2024, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Third-Party Monitoring Assignment of Provision of Essential Basic Primary Health Care to Vulnerable Conflict-Affected Populations
Post date:March 24, 2024, Country of Coverage: Syria
Soutien psychosocial pour équipes de première ligne, Marrakech et Sous-Massa – Maroc (Updated)
Post date:March 17, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Creation D’un Module De Formation Et D’un Kit Pedagogique Destines a Sensibiliser Les Enfants Et Jeunes Entre 15 Et 17 Ans Sur L’education Complete a La Sexualite
Post date:March 11, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Capacity Building of PHCCs on Accreditation
Post date:March 7, 2024, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Expert.e en santé mentale et soutien psychosocial pour la réalisation d’une formation sur les premiers secours psychologiques dans le cadre du projet PROMESS (Updated)
Post date:March 5, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Expert.e en protection de l’enfance pour la réalisation d’une formation sur la protection des mineurs non accompagnés et des enfants victimes de traite dans le cadre du projet PROMESS (Updated)
Post date:March 5, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Expert.e en santé mentale et soutien psychosocial pour la réalisation d’une formation sur les premiers secours psychologiques dans le cadre du projet PROMESS
Post date:March 3, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Emotional Crisis Management in the Workplace-Training of Trainers
Post date:February 28, 2024, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Recreational Activities for school students and their parents
Post date:February 15, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Media Service to enhance visibility of MdM-CH interventions
Post date:February 15, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Expert.e pour la réalisation d’une formation sur la traite des êtres humains et le Mécanisme National d’Orientation (MNO) dans le cadre du projet PROMESS
Post date:February 6, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Expert·e en Migration pour la réalisation d’une formation sur la Santé et Droits en Migration dans le cadre du projet PROMESS
Post date:February 6, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Expert.e en santé mentale et soutien psychosocial pour la réalisation d’une formation sur les premiers secours psychologiques dans le cadre du projet PROMESS
Post date:February 6, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Expert.e en protection des données personnelles pour la réalisation d’une formation dans le cadre du projet PROMESS
Post date:February 6, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Expert.e en protection de l’enfance pour la réalisation d’une formation sur la protection des mineurs non accompagnés et des enfants victimes de traite dans le cadre du projet PROMESS
Post date:February 6, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Enquête Connaissances, Aptitudes et Pratiques (CAP) auprès des adolescent.e.s,Rabat et Oujda (Updated)
Post date:January 31, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Consultancy Services-Civil/Architect Engineer
Post date:January 23, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Advanced Mental Health Services
Post date:January 23, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Recreational Activities for Parents and their children
Post date:January 4, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Etude barrières d’accès aux services de santé primaire pour les personnes migrantes, Maroc
Post date:December 28, 2023, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Morocco/Tunisia Advocacy Referent
Post date:December 27, 2023, Country of Coverage: Morocco, Tunisia
pour l’accompagnement d’ateliers de réflexion sur l’accès à la santé des personnes migrantes au Maroc
Post date:December 23, 2023, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Post date:December 23, 2023, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Research : “Exploring the Lived Experience of Collective Trauma and the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorders in the Palestinian Context
Post date:December 20, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Clinical Psychologist
Post date:December 20, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
MH information management consultancy service
Post date:December 9, 2023, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Emotional Crisis Management in the Workplace- Training of Trainers
Post date:December 9, 2023, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Un.e psychologue clinicien.ne
Post date:December 7, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Consultance-Evaluation Finale et Enquête Endline Projet
Post date:December 5, 2023, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Provision of psychiatric care to service users with mental health conditions in the CMHC, in RHUH PHCC in coordination with the multidisciplinary team and in line with the NMHP Mental Health Integration Pilot guidelines
Post date:December 3, 2023, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
PHCCs staff care
Post date:November 26, 2023, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Expertise Communication Transversale-médecins Du Monde Belgique
Post date:November 21, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Psychologue clinicien.ne dans le gouvernorat de Médenine – MDM
Post date:November 14, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Etude sur les barrières d’accès aux services de santé primaire pour les personnes migrantes en Tunisie et d’un policy brief
Post date:November 13, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Un.e psychologue clinicien.ne dans le gouvernorat de Médenine-MDM
Post date:November 7, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Accompagner Le Renforcement De Capacites Et La Formulation De Policy Briefs Des Partenaires Du Projet Sehaty De Medecins Du Monde
Post date:November 7, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Un.e Consultant.e Superviseur.e Santé Mentale & Soutien Psychosocial-MDM
Post date:November 5, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Training of Trainers on Psychological First Aid
Post date:November 5, 2023, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
MDM- Consultance – Documentaire sur l’accès à l’avortement sécurisé en Tunisie
Post date:October 29, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Documentaire sur l’accès à l’avortement sécurisé en Tunisie
Post date:October 29, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Consultant.e pour la facilitation d’une communauté de pratiques en santé mentale -MDM
Post date:October 25, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Un.e psychologue clinicien.ne dans le gouvernorat de Médenine-MDM
Post date:October 18, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Provide appropriate group and individual staff psychological support
Post date:October 17, 2023, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
External independent auditor to conduct financial audit of the project “Provision of essential basic primary health care to earthquake affected populations in northwest Syria”
Post date:September 17, 2023, Country of Coverage: Syria
Consultant: Community Mental Health & Substance Use Center (CMH-SUC) Needs Assessment Analysis, Tripoli, Lebanon
Post date:September 4, 2023, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Subscriber Only Content
Current and Previous Partners Worked With Médecins du Monde
Logo | Name | Category | Countries of Coverage | Sectors & Services |
National and Regional NGO
Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Child RightsAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Institutional Strengthening, Psychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Education, Health, Refugees and MigrationAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Media and communication, Events management, Psychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Health, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, ICT Solutions
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia
Education, Health, Economic Growth, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Human Rights, Agriculture, Environment and Energy, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Trade, Food Security
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Agriculture, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Information Communication and Technology, Media Development, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Trade, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Corporate Funder
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen
Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment
Corporate Funder
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Agriculture, Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
National and Regional NGO
Education, Health, Democratic Governance, Child Rights, Human RightsAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Media and communication
International Organization
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia
Democratic Governance, Human Rights, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Human Rights, Refugees and MigrationAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
International Organization
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey
Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights, Refugees and Migration, Arts and Culture, Social DevelopmentCapacity building and training, Performing and visual arts, Psychosocial Support
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Agriculture, Child Rights, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Food Security, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth EmpowermentFeasibility studies, Monitoring and evaluation, Research and assessment
International Organization
United Arab Emirates
Health, Youth EmpowermentResearch and assessment, Advocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
National and Regional NGO
Egypt, Iraq, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Yemen
Education, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
International Organization
Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Yemen
Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and MigrationCapacity building and training, Psychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Turkey
Education, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Food SecurityAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Psychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Iraq, Syria, Turkey
Education, Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social DevelopmentResearch and assessment, Advocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
International Organization
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Yemen
Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights, Water and Wastewater, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising
International Organization
Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Yemen
Democratic Governance, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and MigrationAdvocacy and awareness raising
Corporate Funder
United Arab Emirates
Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Waste Management
International Organization
Lebanon, Sudan, Yemen
Health, Environment and Energy, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and MigrationFinancial Management and Services, Monitoring and evaluation, Psychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Health, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Child Rights, Human Rights, Refugees and MigrationAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Media and communication
National and Regional NGO
Education, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Child Rights, Refugees and Migration, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
National and Regional NGO
Child Rights, Education, Health, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, ICT Solutions, Institutional Strengthening, Media and communication, Monitoring and evaluation
National and Regional NGO
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Human Rights, Refugees and MigrationCapacity building and training, Accounting & Auditing, Institutional Strengthening, Psychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Education, Refugees and MigrationCapacity building and training, Monitoring and evaluation
National and Regional NGO
Arts and Culture, Child Rights, Education, Entrepreneurship, Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Institutional Strengthening
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Arts and Culture, Education, Youth EmpowermentCapacity building and training
National and Regional NGO
National and Regional NGO
Child Rights, Education, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Monitoring and evaluation
International Organization
Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria
Humanitarian aidAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Monitoring and evaluation
International Organization
Jordan, Lebanon
Economic GrowthCapacity building and training, Institutional Strengthening
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Climate Change and Global Warming, Economic Growth, Infrastructure
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Yemen
Humanitarian aid
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia
Economic Growth, Education, Health, Urban & Rural DevelopmentAccounting & Auditing, Capacity building and training, Institutional Strengthening, Monitoring and evaluation
International Organization
Sudan, Syria, Turkey
Health, Humanitarian aid, Women Rights and EmpowermentCapacity building and training
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Women Rights and EmpowermentInstitutional Strengthening
National and Regional NGO
HealthAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Psychosocial Support
International Organization
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen
Democratic Governance, Humanitarian aid, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
International Organization
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen
Education, Health, Humanitarian aidAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Monitoring and evaluation
National and Regional NGO
Economic Growth, EntrepreneurshipAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
International Organization
Iraq, Syria, Yemen
Health, Women Rights and EmpowermentCapacity building and training, Psychosocial Support
Consulting Firm
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Yemen
Humanitarian aidCapacity building and training, Monitoring and evaluation, Research and assessment
Consulting Firm
Lebanon, Sudan, Syria
Humanitarian aid, Women Rights and EmpowermentCapacity building and training, Institutional Strengthening, Monitoring and evaluation
International Organization
Egypt, Tunisia
Agriculture, Climate Change and Global Warming, Education, Health, Humanitarian aid, Youth EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Institutional Strengthening, Policy and legislative reform , Research and assessment
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Education, HealthAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Legal Services
Abnaa Elghad banati Foundation |
Heinrich Böll Stiftung |
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