Oxfam International
Oxfam International
Oxfam is an international confederation of 20 NGOs working with partners in over 90 countries to end the injustices that cause poverty. One person in three in the world lives in poverty. Oxfam is determined to change that world by mobilizing the power of people against poverty. Around the globe, Oxfam works to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. They save lives and help rebuild livelihoods when crisis strikes. And they campaign so that the voices of the poor influence the local and global decisions that affect them. In all they do, Oxfam works with partner organizations and alongside vulnerable women and men to end the injustices that cause poverty.
Profile Information
International Organization Sectors of Interest:
Education, Health, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Child Rights, Human Rights, Agriculture, Environment and Energy, Urban & Rural Development, Water and Wastewater, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Information Communication and Technology, Social Development, TourismSub Sectors of Interest:
Agribusiness and agroindustry , Basic health care, Business incubators, Child protection, Community resilience, Conflict prevention and peace building , Creative and innovative economic activities, Ending violence against women and girls, Entrepreneurial training , Freedom of expression, ICT for Development, Nutrition, Political participation, Refugee integration and social cohesion , Refugee protection, Relief assistance and services, Social and Economic Empowerment, Special programs for People with Special Needs, Support the vulnerable and marginalized, Tax Policy and Administration Support , Water Sanitation Hygiene and Health, Water and wastewater treatment, Women Leadership, Women equity and equality, Youth Participation and LeadershipType of Service:
Advocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and trainingLocations:
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, YemenHeadquarters:
Contact Information

Oxfam International
- https://www.oxfam.org/en
information@oxfaminternational.org - Winnie Byanyima
Executive Director
winnie.byanyima@oxfaminternational.org - George Clanfield
MENA Security Adviser
george.clanfield@oxfam.org - Matilda Nhema
Head of Operations
matilda.nhema@oxfam.org - Sherwet Ahmed
Program Officer
sherwet.ahmed@oxfam.org - Virginia Mura
Regional Humanitarian Advocacy and Campaigns Manager
vmura@oxfam.org.uk - Neda Heneiti
Neda.Heneiti@oxfam.org - Bojan Kolundzija
Country Director
bojan.kolundzija@oxfam.org - Ludovica Socci
Regional Business Development Manager
ludovica.socci@oxfam.org - Adil Al-Mahi
Country Director
adil.al-mahi@oxfam.org - Asmae Bouslamti
asmae.bouslamti@Oxfam.org - Doris Basler
doris.basler@oxfam.org - Azharrim Qachach
azharrim.qachach@Oxfam.org - Raghda Daboub
Project Officer
raghda.Daboub@oxfam.org - Hind Nejbah
hind.nejbah@oxfam.org - Ilham Mazri
Procurement Notices by Oxfam International
Elaboration et mise en place d’une trajectoire de renforcement de capacités thématique (Justice Genre)
Post date:March 11, 2025, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Consultancy for Facilitating the Formulation of Oxfam Algeria’s Country Strategy (2025-2029)
Post date:February 27, 2025, Country of Coverage: Algeria
Bureau de consultance (Gender & Climate Consultancy)
Post date:February 16, 2025, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Terms of Reference for Consultancy Assignment Backstopping Service for Activities Implemented Under the Pilot Sub-Project
Post date:February 5, 2025, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Terms of Reference–Consultancy Services For Conducting a Mid-term Review As part of“Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance System and Services”Project
Post date:January 23, 2025, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Projet: Renforcer la formation et l’emploi pour l’intégration socio-économique des jeunes tunisiens dans le tourisme responsable et le développement durable. dans le cadre du programme (Appui à la formation et à l’emploi des jeunes tunisiens) DESTINATION EMPLOI
Post date:January 22, 2025, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Elaboration et mise en place d’une trajectoire de renforcement de capacités en (Conformité Juridique et Financière)
Post date:December 29, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Consultant : Safeguarding communication materials
Post date:December 26, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Awareness Campaign on Climate Change Risks and Implications in Anbar Governorate
Post date:December 23, 2024, Country of Coverage: Iraq
Consultant to Develop Safeguarding Guidelines for Emergencies
Post date:December 17, 2024, Country of Coverage: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Documentary Filming for Masarouna project
Post date:December 12, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Consultant for Campaign Development:Feminist Approach to SRHR Advocacy for Women with Disabilities in Jordan
Post date:November 26, 2024, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Call for Consultation for the SUMUD Project
Post date:November 26, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Consultancy for Water Inequality and Unpaid Care Work
Post date:November 24, 2024, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Recrutement des enquêteurs-trices pour la collecte de données sur le terrain dans le cadre d’un suivi post distribution
Post date:November 24, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Consultancy for TOT on SRHR and Social Behavioral Change
Post date:November 24, 2024, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Supply Chain Analysis and Mapping of Food Processing and Tourism Sectors
Post date:November 19, 2024, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Consultant : The Emerging Civil Society Strengthening
Post date:November 10, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Managing a Guarantee Fund for the benefit of ACAD Finance and Reef Finance
Post date:November 6, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Meal Case Study
Post date:September 25, 2024, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Letter of Interest to participate in the pilot project to launch agricultural insurance products within the project “Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance System and Services”
Post date:September 25, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Innovation Project for Community Development Call for Applications(Ibtikar Fund)
Post date:September 25, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Project Baseline Study-MARKAZ:One-Stop Shop Centres (OSCs) for Youth in OPT
Post date:September 17, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Enumeration Service
Post date:September 11, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Consultancy for Baseline Evaluation
Post date:August 13, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Facilitators–Learning Event Women,Peace and Security (WPS) MENA
Post date:August 8, 2024, Country of Coverage: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Consultants to develop a strategic action plan to develop the field crops sector
Post date:August 5, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Oxfam in Lebanon invites Semi-Formal and Informal Local Groups
Post date:July 28, 2024, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Fonds Résilience-ROSE
Post date:July 28, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Power To Choose Mid-Term Review Consultant Terms of Reference (ToR)
Post date:July 21, 2024, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Developing Board Game
Post date:July 21, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Terms of Reference (ToR) Curriculum Development and Training Delivery during the 2nd Quarter: Capacity Building Programme for Certain Agro-Insurance
Post date:July 21, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Design,Develop and Support the Implementation of a Campaign and Related Materials Relevant to Women,Peace and Security in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Post date:July 10, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Individual and Group Support, Wellbeing and Psychosocial Support for Masarouna Youth West Bank and Gaza
Post date:July 2, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Sanitation study and master plan for Al-Turba city and part of Thubhan sub district Al Shamayateen district,Taiz Governorate,YEMEN
Post date:June 19, 2024, Country of Coverage: Yemen
Water Inequality Consultancy
Post date:June 12, 2024, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Consultancy Assignment: Exposure visit facilitation and management Under“Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance Systems and Services”Project (Extended)
Post date:June 10, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Masarouna Advocacy Actions Consultants
Post date:May 30, 2024, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Evaluation Finale du Projet « Autonomisation et Résilience des ouvrières agricoles migrantes circulaires à Huelva- AResOH»
Post date:May 27, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Gender Analysis Consultant
Post date:May 21, 2024, Country of Coverage: Iraq
Appel à candidature pour couverture médiatique de l’événement de clôture Projet Voix et Leadership des femmes
Post date:May 19, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Request a Quotation to Contract with an Expert to Conduct Evidence-based research on Access to Internet in the West Bank and Gaza
Post date:May 19, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Facilitator of workshops on political and civic participation for university students
Post date:May 13, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Production of media materials for a lobbying and advocacy campaign under the title “Enhancing the Political Participation of Palestinian University Students”
Post date:May 13, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Recrutement d’un.e consultant.e pour l’élaboration d’un guide des bonnes pratiques des coopératives agricoles féminines
Post date:May 13, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Production of Short Videos Capturing the Activities and its Impact Done in Kirkuk and Ninwa
Post date:May 9, 2024, Country of Coverage: Iraq
Consultancy Assignment: Exposure visit facilitation and management Under“Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance Systems and Services”Project
Post date:April 30, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Digital Content Creator/Social Media Consultant
Post date:April 25, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Recrutement d’un-e consultant.e pour animer un atelier de capitalisation au profit des Organisations de Défense des Droits des Femmes partenaires du projet Voix et Leadership des Femmes au Maroc
Post date:April 15, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Appel à projets: Fonds réactif pour Le projet Renforcement de la société civile émergente (ROSE)
Post date:April 8, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Climate change consultant for research on knowledge and awareness design and implementation
Post date:March 7, 2024, Country of Coverage: Iraq
Invitation for Expression of Interest to partners in Yemen
Post date:March 6, 2024, Country of Coverage: Yemen
Baseline Assessment”Elevate, Engage, Enrich: Empowering Palestinian Youth in Civic Participation”
Post date:March 3, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Gap analyses and research On Reproductive Health And Rights For Women
Post date:February 22, 2024, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Consultancy Assignment: Backstopping Service for Loss Adjustment Specialized in Agricultural Insurance
Post date:February 22, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Consultancy Assignment: Backstopping Service for a Reinsurance person preferably Specialized in Agricultural Insurance
Post date:February 22, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Consultancy Assignment: Backstopping Service for an Underwriter Specialized in Agricultural Insurance
Post date:February 22, 2024, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Comprehensive training package for Masarouna governmental Ministries and entities
Post date:February 21, 2024, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Consultancy-Mobile App Developer
Post date:February 19, 2024, Country of Coverage: Iraq
Monitoring, Evaluation Accountability And Learning Training On Meal Standards
Post date:January 31, 2024, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Recrutement d’un-e consultant.e pour mener un processus de renforcement de capacités en communication au profit des Organisations de Défense des Droits des Femmes partenaires du projet Voix et Leadership des Femmes
Post date:January 21, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Recrutement d’un-e consultant.e pour l’élaboration d’un manuel de procédures pour des Organisations de Défense des Droits des Femmes partenaires du projet Voix et Leadership des Femmes
Post date:January 21, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Recrutement d’un.e consultant.e pour encadrer une formation de deux journées autour de Formulation de projets
Post date:January 21, 2024, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Oxfam Diyala is looking for Trainers/Facilitators for (GALs)
Post date:January 18, 2024, Country of Coverage: Iraq
Launching of one Business Incubator/Accelerator Program in Anbar for the agriculture and food production sector start-ups
Post date:January 18, 2024, Country of Coverage: Iraq
Development of Business Development Strategies for 20 Medium-size Agro-processors in Anbar
Post date:January 18, 2024, Country of Coverage: Iraq
Media, Visibility, Outreach, and Communication Services As part of “Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance Systems and Services” Project
Post date:November 28, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Consulting service To develop memorandums of understanding and work agreements between partners to implement the pilot project Within the project “Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance System and Services”
Post date:November 9, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Expert for Developing Impact Investment Fund Project “IBTKAR for Social Change”, Inclusive Development Opportunities for Resilient Palestinian Rural Communities in the Post-Covid Era (AID 012590/06/1)
Post date:November 2, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Expertes pour la Mission d’évaluation mi-parcours – Projet ROSE
Post date:October 9, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Livelihood Potential Verification Study
Post date:October 3, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Consultancy for the Final Evaluation of a Humanitarian Programme
Post date:September 21, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine, Yemen
Case Study : Digital Landscape for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) among Young People in Jordan
Post date:September 18, 2023, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Financial Inclusion Specialist(FIS)-The gender gap in financial Inclusion
Post date:September 18, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Conducting a Midline Assessment for the BMZ Resilient Communities Project
Post date:September 17, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Livelihood Potential Verification Assessment
Post date:September 17, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Termes de références pour l’élaboration de des états financiers annuel et conseil
Post date:September 12, 2023, Country of Coverage: Morocco
EOI Fund under WVL project-An innovative Approach to support Feminist Groups in Iraq
Post date:September 11, 2023, Country of Coverage: Iraq
Consultancy Services For Developing Agro-insurance Products for Palestine As part of “Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance System and Services” Project
Post date:September 3, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Appel a Manifestation d’intérêt Programme de Cooperation Volontaire (PCV) au Maroc
Post date:September 3, 2023, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Consultancy Services For Developing Agro-insurance Products for Palestine As part of “Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance System and Service”
Post date:August 30, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
International Health Insurance SRHR Campaign
Post date:August 30, 2023, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Final evaluation of the project-Système d’irrigation innovants dans les camps de refugies sahraouis
Post date:August 27, 2023, Country of Coverage: Algeria
Recrutement d’un pool d’expert·e·s formateurs(trices) Pour l’élaboration et la mise en place d’une formation des formateurs Pour les organisations de la société civile dans des thématiques structurelles.
Post date:August 24, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Developing in-depth,descriptive case studies showing the linkages between climate change,gender and SRHR in Occupied Palestinian Territories
Post date:August 22, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Consultancy-Developing Oxfam in Africa’s Climate Justice Programme Strategy
Post date:August 20, 2023, Country of Coverage: Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia
Feminist Research Advisor (One-month training mandate)
Post date:August 17, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
International Health Insurance SRHR Campaign
Post date:August 2, 2023, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Baseline,Midline and Endline Assessment Consultant
Post date:July 26, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Design Campaign’s Communication Strategy and Production of Digital communication products
Post date:July 26, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Feminist Facilitation Training
Post date:July 24, 2023, Country of Coverage: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen
Branding Consultancy
Post date:July 24, 2023, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Gendered Economic Mapping Study
Post date:July 18, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Renforcement des Organisations La Socéité Civile Emergente (ROSE) and Masarouna
Post date:July 16, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Photographers to Conduct a Photo Essay
Post date:July 4, 2023, Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia
Project Final Evaluation“Enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities through efficient water solutions and addressing climate change in the Eastern area of Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip”
Post date:June 28, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
SRHR Training
Post date:June 26, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Consultancy Climate Change Digital Platform
Post date:June 21, 2023, Country of Coverage: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen
Water,Energy, and Land-Food (WEF) Investment Opportunities Study in the Gaza Strip
Post date:June 19, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Consultancy (Research:towards a feminist approach to climate justice)
Post date:June 18, 2023, Country of Coverage: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen
Delivering an International Influencing Training (Re-Advertisement)
Post date:June 18, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Assessment Of Oxfam’s Pilot Projects For The Engagement Of The Informal Sector In The Solid Waste Management Sector
Post date:June 6, 2023, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Capacity Building for Community Representative Structures
Post date:June 1, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Masarouna Legal Consultant
Post date:May 22, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Study on Oxfam Engagement with the African Union
Post date:May 14, 2023, Country of Coverage: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia
Evaluation Finale du Projet: Autonomisation des femmes grâce à l’entrepreneuriat coopératif durable au Maroc -AFECMA (Extension)
Post date:May 9, 2023, Country of Coverage: Morocco
Qadreen Community Mobilizers consultant
Post date:May 9, 2023, Country of Coverage: Lebanon
Worsening Inequality in the Mena Region in the Times of Austerity and Crisis
Post date:May 8, 2023, Country of Coverage: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia
Consultancy for SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights) for Youth Research
Post date:May 8, 2023, Country of Coverage: Jordan
Consultancy for Feminist Facilitation Training
Post date:May 8, 2023, Country of Coverage: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen
Elaboration Et Mise En Place D’un Curriculum De Formation «Initiation Aux Métiers Du Travail Associatif » Pour Des Jeunes.
Post date:April 27, 2023, Country of Coverage: Tunisia
Qualification of Suppliers
Post date:April 27, 2023, Country of Coverage: Palestine
Review and Update the Sexual Diversity and Gender Identity (SDGI) Rights Policy Position as part of the review and update of Oxfam’s Gender Justice
Post date:April 9, 2023, Country of Coverage: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Subscriber Only Content
Awarded Projects
Waste to (positive) energy in Jordan
Awarding date: 2015 , Location: Jordan , Budget: 59.8 M Euro
Subscriber Only Content
Current and Previous Partners Worked With Oxfam International
Logo | Name | Category | Countries of Coverage | Sectors & Services |
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates
Health, Infrastructure, Information Communication and Technology, IndustryMedia and communication, Marketing Services
International Organization
Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Yemen
Education, Health, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights, Humanitarian aid, Social DevelopmentPsychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Iraq, Syria, Turkey
Education, Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social DevelopmentResearch and assessment, Advocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
National and Regional NGO
Jordan, Palestine
Education, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Environment and Energy, Refugees and Migration, Information Communication and Technology, TourismCapacity building and training, Media and communication, Institutional Strengthening, ICT Solutions
National and Regional NGO
Child Rights, Economic Growth, Human Rights, Women Rights and EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Monitoring and evaluation
International Organization
Information Communication and TechnologyICT Solutions
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Women Rights and EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Media and communication, Research and assessment
National and Regional NGO
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Events management, Institutional Strengthening, Research and assessment
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Agriculture, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Information Communication and Technology, Trade, Youth Empowerment
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Climate Change and Global Warming, Economic Growth, Infrastructure
Consulting Firm
Climate Change and Global Warming, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Media Development, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Tourism, Trade, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Business Development, Capacity building and training, Events management, Feasibility studies, Financial Management and Services, Human Resources Management , ICT Solutions, Institutional Strengthening, Marketing Services, Media and communication, Monitoring and evaluation, Policy and legislative reform , Research and assessment, Supply Chain Management
Consulting Firm
Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Trade, Women Rights and EmpowermentBusiness Development, Capacity building and training, Feasibility studies, Institutional Strengthening, Research and assessment
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia
Economic Growth, Education, Health, Urban & Rural DevelopmentAccounting & Auditing, Capacity building and training, Institutional Strengthening, Monitoring and evaluation
National and Regional NGO
Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
Consulting Firm
HealthCapacity building and training, Research and assessment
National and Regional NGO
Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen
Democratic Governance, Human RightsAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Institutional Strengthening, Research and assessment
Consulting Firm
Climate Change and Global Warming, Democratic Governance, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Waste Management, Water and WastewaterCapacity building and training, Environmental Services, Institutional Strengthening, Marketing Services, Research and assessment
International Organization
Sudan, Syria, Turkey
Health, Humanitarian aid, Women Rights and EmpowermentCapacity building and training
International Organization
Egypt, Turkey
Economic Growth, Food Security, Industry, Water and WastewaterCapacity building and training, Monitoring and evaluation
National and Regional NGO
Human Rights, Refugees and Migration, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Legal Services
International Organization
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy, Media DevelopmentMedia and communication, Research and assessment
Consulting Firm
Egypt, Saudi Arabia
Climate Change and Global Warming, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Tourism, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Business Development, Capacity building and training, Events management, Human Resources Management , Institutional Strengthening, Monitoring and evaluation, Research and assessment
Consulting Firm
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Sudan, Tunisia
Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and EmpowermentCapacity building and training, Institutional Strengthening, Monitoring and evaluation, Research and assessment
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Food Security, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Infrastructure, Media Development, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Tourism, Trade, Urban & Rural Development, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth EmpowermentMarketing Services, Media and communication
Consulting Firm
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Yemen
Humanitarian aidCapacity building and training, Monitoring and evaluation, Research and assessment
Consulting Firm
Lebanon, Sudan, Syria
Humanitarian aid, Women Rights and EmpowermentCapacity building and training, Institutional Strengthening, Monitoring and evaluation
International Organization
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen
Humanitarian aidAccounting & Auditing, Capacity building and training, Research and assessment
International Organization
Education, Health, Humanitarian aidCapacity building and training, Psychosocial Support
International Organization
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria
Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Psychosocial Support
International Organization
Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Yemen
Child Rights, Democratic Governance, Education, Health, Humanitarian aid, Social Development, Women Rights and EmpowermentPsychosocial Support
International Organization
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan, Turkey
Health, Humanitarian aidAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Psychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Arts and Culture, Economic Growth, Women Rights and EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Psychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth EmpowermentCapacity building and training, Monitoring and evaluation, Research and assessment
Consulting Firm
Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Turkey
Democratic Governance, Education, Entrepreneurship, Human Rights, Refugees and Migration, Social DevelopmentCapacity building and training, Institutional Strengthening, Monitoring and evaluation, Research and assessment
National and Regional NGO
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Research and assessment
National and Regional NGO
Child Rights, Education, Health, Humanitarian aid, Women Rights and EmpowermentCapacity building and training, Psychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Syria, Turkey
Child Rights, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Psychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Child Rights, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Psychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and EmpowermentCapacity building and training, Environmental Services
National and Regional NGO
Human Rights, Social DevelopmentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Policy and legislative reform , Psychosocial Support
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Industry, Youth EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Media and communication
Corporate Funder
Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
National and Regional NGO
Education, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and MigrationAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training, Media and communication
International Organization
Child Rights, Democratic GovernancePolicy and legislative reform
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Human Rights, Youth Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates
Economic Growth, Industry, Waste ManagementAccounting & Auditing, Capacity building and training, Environmental Services, Feasibility studies, Research and assessment, Supply Chain Management
National and Regional NGO
Agriculture, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth EmpowermentAdvocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
Arab Organization
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen
Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
Madad Fundhttps |
AUEU Youth Lab |
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