Yabous is a non-governmental Palestinian organization based established in 1995 when a number of artists and culture enthusiasts and entrepreneurs from Jerusalem decided to create a body to adopt the development and patronage of performing arts in Jerusalem.
Since its inception, Yabous has been witnessing continuous successes, in most of its projects and programs . It has also contributed to reviving the cultural life in Jerusalem and in giving the city the ambiance that reflects its Arab historical, religious, political and cultural importance . The Centre offers people a venue to come together to celebrate and share different cultural traditions, to interact with artists and participate in a range of activities that will stimulate and expand the creativity, diversity and artistry of Jerusalem and Palestinian cultural expressions .
Profile Information
National and Regional NGO
Sectors of Interest:
Youth Empowerment, Arts and Culture
Sub Sectors of Interest:
Arts and culture for development, Arts and freedom of expression, Arts in public spaces, Cultural heritage preservation, Social and Economic Empowerment
Type of Service:
Advocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and training
Education, Health, Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Environment and Energy, Humanitarian aid, Arts and Culture, Social Development