- Country: Lebanon
- Original budget $1,000,000
- Start Date:2020-04-01
- End Date:2021-03-31
- Sector: Humanitarian aid, Basic Health Care, Reproductive health, Gender equality
Project Overview:
August 2020 - In response to new and exacerbated humanitarian needs in Lebanon following the August 4, 2020 explosions at the Port of Beirut, the United Nations launched a flash appeal to respond to the needs of 300,000 people in Lebanon affected by the explosions until November 2020. The appeal outlines a coordinated humanitarian response to the most immediate and lifesaving needs, including provision of essential health care, food, water, hygiene, shelter and protection to people affected by the explosions. With GAC’s support, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is scaling up its emergency response to provide integrated sexual and reproductive healthcare, including emergency obstetric and neonatal care, gender-based violence (GBV) services that include psychological first aid, psychosocial counselling, mental health services, legal assistance, and case management. Project activities include:
- Ensuring the continuity of life-saving services, including emergency obstetric and neonatal care, and the minimum initial services package for reproductive health in emergencies;
- Procuring medical equipment and supplies for maternity departments and affected health facilities; and
- Providing life-saving GBV services, including psychological first aid, clinical management of sexual violence, and long-term counselling.
Expected results:
The expected outcomes for this project include:
- Improved sexual and reproductive health of vulnerable populations; and
- Increased protection from gender-based violence. The expected ultimate outcome is lives saved, suffering alleviated and human dignity maintained for populations experiencing humanitarian crises.