BMZ Egypt- National Solid Waste Management Program ( NSWMP)

Project Summary: 

Since 1956,GIZ has been present in Egypt implementing projects on behalf of the German government and contributing to the economic and social stabilization of the country. GIZ cooperated with the Egyptian government to deliver the National Solid Waste Management Program” (NSWMP).

With approximately 100 million inhabitants, Egypt is the most densely populated country in the Middle East. In 2018, the volume of municipal solid waste amounted to around 24 million tons per year and this figure is forecast to rise by 3.4% each year due to population growth and changing patterns of consumption.

The regulatory framework and the expansion of services and infrastructure cannot keep pace with these growth rates.Only 60% of solid waste is actually collected, less than 20% is recycled or properly disposed of. The negative impact on public health and the environment is significant. From piles of waste in the streets to blocked irrigation channels, waste is visible everywhere.

To address the serious waste problems in Egypt the Egyptian government, the EU and Germany set up the National Solid Waste Management Program (NSWMP).

Project Objective:

The objective of the program is to build the capacities of governmental and non-governmental actors to set up, sustain and operate an effective and cost-covering waste management system at national, governorate and local level.

Project Approach: 

The program is being implemented jointly with the KFW Development Bank and in cooperation with the European Commission and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs(SECO).

On national level,the program is supporting the Ministry of Environment in building the capacities of the newly established regulatory agency for waste management to catalyse the development of the solid waste management sector, as a national center of competence. On the regional level,the program is focusing on supporting solid waste management units in four governorates (Qena, Kafr El Sheikh, Assuit and Gharbeya) to undertake their planning and monitoring tasks as per their mandate. Furthermore, the program supports private sector participation in the waste sector with capacity development measures targeting micro,small and medium enterprises.

Program Activities: 

  • With support from the program, a national dialogue on the development of the strategic and political framework has been established.
  • A national waste policy has been developed in consultation with all relevant stakeholders and submitted to the ministry.
  • An annual forum underpins and promotes networking between all actors in the waste sector.
  • An internet platform is under development.
  • Operator models for collecting and recycling of waste are currently being piloted in the governorates.
  • Alternative financing models for waste management are being examined, for example Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).
26th February 2019

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