There are 909 results
Client(s) Project Name Awardee Sectors Locations
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Consultancy services to undertake a strategic feasibility study that prepares a practical roadmap for establishing a digital OIC smart countertrade system operating under the guidelines of UNCITRALs legal guide on international countertrade transactions Active Islamic Finance Advisory and Assurance Services (IFAAS) Information Communication and Technology Saudi Arabia
GIZ Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB) – Kopie INTEGRATION Consulting Group Environment and Energy Morocco, Tunisia
UNDP Provision of Services to Conduct a People-centered Assessment for Burj Hammoud Municipality and Minieh Cluster IPSOS Democratic Governance Lebanon
KFW Consulting Services for Implementation,Promotion of Employment GFA Consulting Group, The Center for Engineering and Planning Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship Palestine
EBRD PP8 W-Nador West Med-Betoya Industrial and Logistic Zone SOMAGEC Water and Wastewater Morocco
UNDP Enhancing and updating Mizan 3 court management system using ASP Art Technologies Democratic Governance Palestine
UNDP Development of the Electronic system for the Licensing and Accreditation Unit, for the Ministry of Health (MOH) – Palestine Be One Health Palestine
UNDP Development of Lebanon’s National E-mobility Strategy pManifold Environment and Energy, Infrastructure Lebanon
GIZ Awareness raising and behavior change activities related to food and nutrition security in Lebanon Magenta Food Security Lebanon

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