There are 909 results
Client(s) Project Name Awardee Sectors Locations
UNESCO Partnership to Establish a Minor Degree Program in Conservation and Heritage Preservation at Northern Technical University in Mosul, Iraq Universita di Firenze Arts and Culture, Education Iraq
UNESCO Provision of Operating, Maintaining, Training and Further Development of the Education Management Information System (EMIS) for the Ministry of Education in Iraq iMMAP Education Iraq
UNDP Technical Support and Management for At-source Sorting, Material Recovery Facility and Composting Plant Operations in Southern Jordan GreenPlans Environmental Consultants Ltd.Co. Climate Change and Global Warming, Waste Management Jordan
UNDP Recrutement d’un bureau ou groupement de bureaux d’études (national ou international) pour L’estimation de la consommation énergétique de la biomasse en Tunisie Pictor Solutions Environment and Energy Tunisia
UNDP Supporting a Resilient Economic Recovery by strengthening the Agriculture and SME Sector in Saqlawia and Faluja District, Anbar Governorate Fair Trade Lebanon (FTL) Agriculture, Entrepreneurship Iraq
UNDP Value Chain and Feasibility Study for Circular Economy in Aqaba LDK Consultants Entrepreneurship, Waste Management Jordan
ILO Digital Internship Programme for Refugees and Host Communities in Greater Cairo, Alexandria, Damietta iCareer Refugees and Migration Egypt
ILO Digital Freelancing Upskilling Programme For Career Impact For Refugees And Host Communities In Greater Cairo Udacity Refugees and Migration Egypt
ILO Conduct an economic study to measure the impact and contributions of refugees and migrants’ influx on the Egyptian economy American University in Cairo Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration Egypt

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