There are 816 results
Client(s) Project Name Awardee Sectors Locations
GIZ Optimized integration of renewable energies into the Moroccan electricity system Moeller and Poeller Engineering Environment and Energy Morocco
GIZ Sustainable economic development and employment promotion mascontour GmbH Economic Growth, Tourism Palestine
UNOPS Etude de diagnostic et d’analyse des obstacles subjectifs et objectifs empêchant la Société civile de participer à la réalisation et au suivi-évaluation des ODD EC Consulting Democratic Governance, Economic Growth Morocco
Millennium Challenge Corporation Conception, Réalisation et mise en service de la station d’épuration (STEP) des Eaux usées de la zone indutrielle de Bouznika et son extension Biwater Water and Wastewater Morocco
GSF: Supporting Bahrain National Assembly Phase Two Global Partners Governance Democratic Governance Bahrain
Oman COVID-19 Rapid Innovation (RAIN) Programme Plexal Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology Oman
Oman and Kuwait Cyber Accelerator CyLon Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology Kuwait, Oman
GIZ Psychosoziale Unterstützung für Syrische/Irakische Flüchtlinge und Binnenvert / Psychosocial Support for Syrian / Iraqi Refugees and Internally Displaced People International Rescue Committee Refugees and Migration, Social Development Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
GIZ Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt in den Palästinensischen Gebieten / Access to the labor market in the Palestinian Territories IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Economic Growth Palestine

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