There are 816 results
Client(s) Project Name Awardee Sectors Locations
GIZ Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Support Institute for Resource Efficiency and Energy (IREES GmbH) Environment and Energy Turkey
GIZ Promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development SYSPONS GmbH Agriculture, Urban & Rural Development Tunisia
UNIDO Textile waste value chain mapping and scenario analysis for valorization in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt – SwitchMed II Blumine Srl Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Industry Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia
European Commission Support for Civil Society Organisations piloting initiatives of the AU-EU Youth Cooperation Hub Cospe, Oxfam Intermon, Plan International, World Vision Democratic Governance Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia
European Commission Programme to Support Youth and Culture in the Southern Neighbourhood Institut français, MitOst Arts and Culture, Democratic Governance, Youth Empowerment Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia
European Commission European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Turkey Programme N/A Human Rights Turkey
European Commission EIDHR Call for Proposals 2019 – Jordan N/A Human Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment Jordan
European Commission Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in support to Lebanon’s clean energy transition UNDP Economic Growth, Environment and Energy Lebanon
European Commission Innovation for Inclusive Growth and Job Creation N/A Economic Growth Egypt

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