In response to challenges posed by violent conflicts and decentralized governance structures in Libya, GIZ is implementing a project which aims to enhance basic public services and promote economic development through decentralization. By advising the Libyan Ministry of Local Government and supporting 30 partner municipalities, the project facilitates the creation of technical, financial, and regulatory frameworks conducive to effective decentralization.


Violent conflicts, parallel administrations and changing power constellations have worsened basic public services in Libya. The decentralised structure of the state has been enshrined in law since 2012. This aims to give municipalities greater responsibility in order to improve services such as waste disposal and the administration of public areas. However, Libya lacks sufficient legal conditions, expertise and funding for municipalities to implement decentralisation in an inclusive and needs-oriented manner. However, the Government has already passed initial ground-breaking regulations.


Selected municipalities in Libya are implementing decentralisation in a way with its citizens in mind that is efficient and promotes economic development.


The project advises the Libyan Ministry of Local Government on creating technical, financial and regulatory conditions that support decentralised state building and municipalities. The project thus enables 30 partner communities throughout Libya to fulfil their responsibilities effectively and economically. In particular, it supports the national training institute, which expands the expertise of decision-makers from local administrations. Together with the partner municipalities, the project is also developing models for financing public services.

It also helps implement basic services on a pilot basis, for example by advising on waste disposal and recycling management, and by setting up local development and training centres for women. Local economic development, cooperation with the private sector and support for micro-enterprises are also part of improving the way municipalities provide services. The project also increases the transparency and accountability of administrations.

Other important elements of the project include improving regional and international dialogue between the municipalities and driving forward digital transformation.

One of the project’s focus areas is waste management as a core element for environmental protection and providing basic services for people in Libya.

NO Comment 28th April 2024

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