There are 31576 results
Client Title Deadline Sectors & Services Countries Type Status
Implementation of a national study/summary on the challenges and solutions related to the valuation of unconventional water and fossil water in a context of climate change in Egypt

Post Date :13 Jan 2021

Client Name : Agence Française de Développement
31 Jan 2021
    Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater, Research and assessment, Policy and legislative reform
Egypt Individual Closed
Implementation of a national study/summary on the challenges and solutions related to the valuation of unconventional water and fossil water in a context of climate change in Libya

Post Date :13 Jan 2021

Client Name : Agence Française de Développement
31 Jan 2021
    Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater, Research and assessment, Policy and legislative reform
Libya Individual Closed
Réalisation d’une étude/synthèse nationale sur les enjeux et les solutions liés à la valorisation des eaux non conventionnelles et des eaux fossiles dans un contexte de changement climatique en Algérie

Post Date :13 Jan 2021

Client Name : Agence Française de Développement
31 Jan 2021
    Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater, Research and assessment, Policy and legislative reform
Algeria Individual Closed
Réalisation d’une étude/synthèse nationale sur les enjeux et les solutions liés à la valorisation des eaux non conventionnelles et des eaux fossiles dans un contexte de changement climatique au Maroc

Post Date :13 Jan 2021

Client Name : Agence Française de Développement
31 Jan 2021
    Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater, Research and assessment, Policy and legislative reform
Morocco Individual Closed
Réalisation d’une étude/synthèse nationale sur les enjeux et les solutions liés à la valorisation des eaux non conventionnelles et des eaux fossiles dans un contexte de changement climatique en Tunisie

Post Date :13 Jan 2021

Client Name : Agence Française de Développement
31 Jan 2021
    Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater, Research and assessment, Policy and legislative reform
Tunisia Individual Closed
Delivery of Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop

Post Date :13 Jan 2021

Client Name : Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
31 Jan 2021
    Humanitarian aid, Capacity building and training
Jordan Tender, Individual Closed
Local Individual Consultant for Developing and Implementing Local Service Delivery Standards for Home Care Services for Elderly in Order to Simplify the Processes for Service Provision

Post Date :13 Jan 2021

Client Name : UNDP
26 Jan 2021
    Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology, Social Development, Research and assessment
Turkey Individual Closed
Local Individual Consultant for Developing and Implementing Local Service Delivery Standards for Agricultural Support Services by Metropolitan Municipalities and its Districts for Rural Development in Order to Simplify the Processes for Service Provision

Post Date :13 Jan 2021

Client Name : UNDP
26 Jan 2021
    Democratic Governance, Agriculture, Urban & Rural Development, Information Communication and Technology, Research and assessment
Turkey Individual Closed
Organize and Broadcasting Radio Broadcast Messaging

Post Date :12 Jan 2021

Client Name : Blumont International
18 Jan 2021
    Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Media and communication
Iraq, Syria Tender Closed
un.e Consultant.e pour l’élaboration d’une mallette pédagogique sur la participation citoyenne

Post Date :12 Jan 2021

Client Name : UNDP
26 Jan 2021
    Democratic Governance, Youth Empowerment, Research and assessment
Tunisia Individual Closed
Midterm Project Evaluation

Post Date :12 Jan 2021

Client Name : UNDP
27 Jan 2021
    Economic Growth, Social Development, Monitoring and evaluation
Palestine Tender Closed
Diagnostic d’une plateforme électronique sur le foncier industriel au Maroc

Post Date :12 Jan 2021

Client Name : UNIDO
25 Jan 2021
    Industry, Research and assessment, ICT Solutions
Morocco Tender Closed

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