There are 32424 results
Client Title Deadline Sectors & Services Countries Type Status
Accounting Service In Turkey

Post Date :14 Feb 2021

Client Name : World Vision
25 Feb 2021
    Institutional Support, Accounting & Auditing
Turkey Tender Closed
Implementing a campaign to promote consumer awareness on quality standards, quality marks and labels of fresh and processed food products (Re-tender)

Post Date :14 Feb 2021

Client Name : FAO
04 Mar 2021
    Agriculture, Advocacy and awareness raising, Media and communication, Marketing Services
Palestine Tender Closed
Follow up Evaluation of SARD Activities in NW Syria

Post Date :14 Feb 2021

Client Name : Syrian Association for Relief and Development (SARD)
22 Feb 2021
    Institutional Support, Monitoring and evaluation
Syria Individual Closed
Objet de l’AO Recrutement d’un bureau de Consulting pour une mission d’evaluation des établissements d’enseignements supérieur relevant de l’université de Carthage

Post Date :14 Feb 2021

Client Name : World Bank
01 Apr 2021
    Education, Research and assessment
Tunisia Tender Closed
Inclusive Education Teacher Training Activity

Post Date :01 Feb 2021

Client Name : USAID
05 Mar 2021
    Education, Social Development, Capacity building and training, Institutional Strengthening
Morocco Tender Closed
Phase 2 de l’étude sur“ l’Analyse de l’impact de la sécheresse sur la productivité de l’eau et des terres agricoles

Post Date :14 Feb 2021

Client Name : FAO
05 Mar 2021
    Agriculture, Water and Wastewater, Environmental Services
Tunisia Tender Closed
Consulting services for Enhancing Women Participation in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Jordan – The Facilitation of Local Businesses Plans Through Value Chain and Market Analysis in the Recycling and Composting Sector

Post Date :14 Feb 2021

Client Name : UNDP
02 Mar 2021
    Women Rights and Empowerment, Environment and Energy, Research and assessment, Environmental Services
Jordan Tender Closed
Feasibility Study for Sludge Management in Zaàtari Refugee camp, Mafraq, Jordan

Post Date :14 Feb 2021

Client Name : GIZ
01 Mar 2021
    Environment and Energy, Refugees and Migration, Feasibility studies
Jordan Tender, Individual Closed
Training on Capacity Works and agile management methods

Post Date :14 Feb 2021

Client Name : GIZ
26 Feb 2021
    Economic Growth, Capacity building and training
Morocco Tender Closed
Maghreb regions entrepreneurship ecosystem readiness assessment and PPDs support (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia & Libya).

Post Date :14 Feb 2021

Client Name : World Bank
19 Feb 2021
    Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Research and assessment, Advocacy and awareness raising, Media and communication, Feasibility studies, Policy and legislative reform , ICT Solutions
Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia Tender Closed
Consultancy for Content Development of Essential Business Skills Training for Young Entrepreneurs

Post Date :14 Feb 2021

Client Name : Save the Children
19 Feb 2021
    Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Refugees and Migration, Research and assessment
Turkey Tender, Individual Closed
Research and Data Analyst Consultant

Post Date :14 Feb 2021

Client Name : UNRWA
23 Feb 2021
    Education, Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Research and assessment, Monitoring and evaluation
Lebanon Individual Closed

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